The Girls Got Guts: The Fabulous Friendship Lessons of Bridget & Samantha Jones

‘Do you think I am a Gen Z Bridget Jones?’  

Lillie took a long sip of the £5 Malbec that we picked up from her local corner shop in a desperate attempt to keep us warm in her single-glazed bay-windowed Edinburgh flat.

Layered in pyjamas, dressing gowns, blankets and snap hand-warmers down our bras, wine glasses in hand, I felt an urge to look around the room for a camera crew and a director ready to yell ‘CUT!’.   

‘Oh, where has this come from?’ I asked, crossing my legs on the cream sofa. ‘I guess this could be a scene from the new Bridget movie though. Cue Leo Woodall!’ I laughed, leaning my head against the back of the sofa. 

It was clear to me that someone, probably an aunt or a cousin, had asked Lils the inescapable, ‘How’s the love life?’ question over the winter holidays. I don’t know why young women thriving in their singledom requires an analysis but that’s just how things are.

 I too had been subjected to the seemingly incessant probing about when I would bring someone to family game nights, where we played The Traitors until ‘banishments’ became a little too personal. 

It’s funny, as Lils was being crowned Bridget in Edinburgh, I was sipping cosmopolitans in London like a true Samantha. 

Now here we were. Two best friends, the Jones Sisters. 

There was something about this unintentional singleton sisterhood that made me feel empowered. Yes, I did think about how many couples are categorised into their silver-screen compatibility doppelgangers on an average night out. But, I will admit, I’ve never felt more at peace in my singledom than when I allowed myself to sink into the role of a Jones sister, half-Bridget and half-Samantha.

I feel like so often, when we make ourselves cringe or if someone has been single for a while, the default pop culture reference we reach for is, ‘You’re such a Bridget Jones’. 

Let me tell you why this is the highest compliment you could possibly receive.

Bridget Jones is everywoman and everyone! Embodying the unapologetic awkwardness in the pursuit of happiness in everyday life is something to be admired, especially in a world that continuously craves the image of perfection. 

Being unapologetically herself is a key component of Bridget’s charm. 

I can guarantee that almost every person reading this column right now has sat in their room blasting a power ballad through speakers, lip-syncing in your comfiest cotton button-up pyjamas, pretending you’re on the final leg of your world tour serenading the ‘one who got away’ to millions of adoring fans. No? Just me and Bridget? 

There is a reason why Bridget Jones is so beloved by many – because she represents us.

Now, the key to being a Jones sister is security. Like Bridget Jones, I believe Samantha (the other Jones) is the epitome of a secure woman. She knows herself entirely; one of the greatest lessons we can learn from Samantha is that we are whole on our own. I remember watching Sex in The City for the first time, and everything I thought I knew about love was dismantled by the simple line:

‘I love you, but I love me more.’

Samantha Jones, the woman that you are. It felt almost revolutionary to my 20-year-old self, that the love and self-worth you feel when you focus on feeling whole in solitude can help you determine whether a relationship truly serves you or not. I’ve never looked back. 

A friendship forged between Samantha and Bridget would be remarkably iconic. Their morals relating to womanhood, sexuality, and friendships align as they seek to empower these aspects of their lives. Holding loyalty to their friends at the core of their being, the Jones sisters mould their world around platonic relationships, recognising that the love felt through these connections is arguably stronger than fleeting fellas. 

Everything I have come to learn about unconditional love has come from my friendships, especially with my girls. I think that society can really put a lot of pressure on us to find that connection that we see so often in media or read about in great romantic novels and ultimately this leaves us feeling a little lost. A little deflated. Where are they? My soulmate?

Well, as cliché as this sounds, a soulmate isn’t always romantic. My platonic soulmate is my Jones sister. Lillie just has to look at me for a split second and she can see my soul and heart clearer than I see myself in a mirror. I think that’s what love should feel like.

So, my lovely reader, this February, I invite you to join me in redefining the type of love you are seeking. Become a Jones sister, it’s fabulous!

All my love from your favourite column girl, 

Amba x

How student life has been redefined post-COVID: Are we adapting or falling behind?

The COVID-19 pandemic completely dismantled student life as we know it. Thousands of young people across the country were trapped in their halls and homes, completing work from the confines of their bedrooms. Can we still see the remanence of the pandemic’s destruction in student life today? Have the changes created by COVID-19 left us looking towards a better university experience or falling behind in the life we could have had? 

One of the most notable changes in the student social calendar post-pandemic is in drinking and nightclub culture—specifically the decline in the number of young people partaking in these events. The Guardian uncovered a shocking decrease in nightlife venues, from 1,446 nightclubs in the UK in 2019, to only 787 by 2024. The temporary closure of the industry during the pandemic has catalysed the decline and ultimate shutting down of many venues across the country—most recently the iconic Old Red Bus Station, loved by many students across Leeds.  

Publications like The New York Times have even discussed an epidemic of awkwardness brought about by COVID-19, with the social world returning not quite the same as before. Anxieties around social distancing and health problems likely had a considerable effect on these changes, with a recent Forbes health survey finding that 59% of respondents found it harder to form relationships post-pandemic. 

In a more positive light, the pandemic has had considerable long-term effects on the trend of reduced drinking habits of students and young people, possibly due to the socialising and venue restrictions in place between 2020 and 2021. These reductions in heavy alcohol consumption are still evident in young adults years after the end of the pandemic.  

Some research has found students swapping out the late nights at the club for early mornings at the gym, with health and wellness becoming an increasingly significant priority. One factor in this fitness kick may be the community feel of a group workout, with many students describing the gym as a preferred ‘third place’ after their home and campus. Regardless of whether students are using their memberships to socialise or hit the treadmill, there has been a surge in young people prioritising their mental and physical wellbeing since the pandemic.  

It’s clear that university life has been redefined post-COVID. However, whatever the extent of this change, Leeds continues to be one of the highest-ranking universities in terms of student satisfaction rates, and students worldwide continue to adapt to the ever-evolving university experience.

Burnout: Prevention and Treatment

What is ‘burnout’ and how do you prevent and treat it?

We all know the feeling, when you find yourself within the comfort of your favourite study spot, that one perfect cafe or library that just gets you in the studious zone, there’s that assignment due soon and the whole day waits for you to get some work done. So, now that it’s time for you to start working, you ambitiously put on your particularly made study playlist and then suddenly realise… You have absolutely no energy to work at all.

What is burnout? 

Burnout is often defined as feeling ‘worn out physically and emotionally’. However, it is more complex than simple fatigue. When you are tired, you eat, sleep, and likely wake up rejuvenated. It is an easy fix. Burnout, on the other hand, is a cycle. You attempt to do work but fail to make any progress. You berate yourself: Ugh! Why am I so tired? I’m so lazy! I’m supposed to be an academic weapon, not an academic victim. Guilt and frustration mount, leading to panic: If I don’t get the work done right now, I’ll fail the essay which means I’ll fail the module, leading to failing the entire year and inevitably being kicked off the course! This is my end! The emotional drain of these worries only adds to your burnout, and the cycle continues. 

What causes burnout?

Burnout usually stems from taking on too much without realising it. It might be your course, your job, your society (do not underestimate the ability of societies to drain you) or the combination of these. Overwhelmed by all your responsibilities, your energy gets drained, and burnout takes hold.

How to prevent burnout:

  • Develop your self-awareness. Are you taking on too much? Are you in denial that the things that are supposed to be fun for you are starting to become too much? Do you have a healthy work/social life balance?
  • Make time for socialising. You cannot always be productive. Have you seen your friends lately? Stop cancelling on them. They miss you!
  • Get off your phone. I hate to break it to you, but being on your phone is not the ‘taking a break’ that you think it is — it is draining your energy even further. Plus, TikTok advice cannot solve all your problems.
  • Spend time alone. While socialising is important, so too is quality alone time. Whether it’s reading, going on a walk, or playing a game, giving yourself space for enjoyment will help you recharge.
  • Find new ways of organising your time. Spend some time planning how you can allocate your time effectively: time for you, time for your friends, and your work. This way, you can effectively avoid overloading yourself with too much at once and hopefully avoid burning out. 

How to treat burnout?

Trust me, I get it. It is hard to be motivated when there is a never-ending cycle of work. Here I am, authoring an article about burnout — and yet, I am struggling with it. 

If you’re already burnt out, here’s how to recover:

  1. Do not patronise yourself. It’s easy to fall into the guilt and worry that comes along with burnout about falling behind. Give yourself grace. You are not lazy, you are just experiencing the phenomenon that is burnout. Remember, you already made it this far. You can and will get through this.
  1. Take a break.  If you ever find yourself experiencing burnout, try to temporarily remove yourself from the environment that is draining you. Whether that’s a day trip to a neighbouring town, going home for the weekend, or even just spending some more time relaxing. During this time, truly disconnect from work and enjoy the break.
  1. Take baby steps. This is very important. Burnout makes it hard to do any work, so the key here is to just start. Commit to small tasks — even if that’s just five minutes a day. Don’t worry about not doing ‘enough’; a gradual build-up can be surprisingly effective. Before you know it, you’ll be back, better than ever!

Burnout is a tough cycle to break, but it’s not insurmountable. By being kind to yourself, taking intentional breaks, and making gradual progress, you can recover and thrive. Remember, you’ve made it this far, and you have what it takes to overcome burnout. Hopefully, this article may provide some comfort and guidance when you need it most.

The Microtrend Menace: How to Purchase Mindfully

With spring arriving and the season of new beginnings, it’s common to crave a wardrobe refresh to help with the seasonal transition. But, this change also brings a wave of overconsumption, encouraged by the latest cosy trends and collections marketed by retailers. I should preface this article by saying that I love, love, love clothes but, as we all know, consumerism is detrimental to the environment. Also, what student actually has the spare money or wardrobe space for it all? So, here are some of my top tips for purchasing mindfully. 

I love to declutter my wardrobe at the beginning of a new season. This reminds me of what clothes I already have and how I may not actually need to do any more shopping. Normally, I take everything out of my wardrobe and assess two things: when did I last wear this and how well does it fit me? The first question is, in my experience, less of a dealbreaker. I always end up keeping things just in case they’ll come in handy one day—cue my primary school Wonder Woman costume that made a reappearance this Halloween. However, it’s also important to self-reflect and realise that if I haven’t reached for a wearable, everyday t-shirt in the past year, it’s time to say goodbye. As Marie Kondo says, if it doesn’t spark joy, then it’s got to go. 

Most importantly, if a piece of clothing doesn’t fit right, I know that I’ll never wear it as I simply don’t feel comfortable or confident. It takes a lot of effort to try on everything, so work in sections, starting with tops, then jumpers, trousers etc. to streamline the process. At the end of this process, I’ll (heartbreakingly) have a pile of clothes ready to be rehomed. I’d recommend sorting these into three piles. Anything that’s a bit grubby or damaged, take to a textiles recycling point. Anything that’s branded and could be worth a little something, upload onto a second-hand app. Anything that falls in between, drop off at your local charity shop. 

Now that you’ve tackled your current wardrobe, here are some reflective tips to help satisfy that shopping itch. My golden rule when shopping nowadays is to always pause, considering how much I truly love something and how well it fits, instead of feeling rushed to decide. Sometimes in a changing room, I’ll try something on and immediately feel excited, undoubtedly knowing it’s coming home with me. Other times though, I’ll feel unsure and ask for a friend’s opinion. Yet, this conflict probably means I’ll regret buying it once home, so I take this as a sign to put it back on the rack. 

Next up, invest in timeless pieces for you. Now, I’m not necessarily suggesting to only buy basics and build a generic, yet timeless, capsule wardrobe. I find that this approach only works for people with minimalistic and neutral styles. What I mean is that while it’s fun to look at current trends for style inspiration, don’t be a sheep. Instead, consider how this trending item could integrate into your existing wardrobe—as not every single trend is going to align with your personal style. 

The nature of microtrends means that they’re already over by the time they’ve started. This ultimately results in manufacturers chasing trends just as fast as consumers and producing unprecedented levels of textile waste. Trends used to be determined by monthly fashion magazine issues and fashion houses’ seasonal collections. Now, social media has diminished this exclusive top-down hierarchy. The virality and hypervisibility available to social media influencers means that it’s no longer just the fashion elite determining trends. Here, the additional short attention span of today’s population, in turn with the fickleness of social media, has only resulted in even shorter trend lifespans. Thus, the microtrend menace was born. 

My point here is to give yourself time. Rather than immediately jumping on a new trend, buying something on a whim or getting sucked into the fleeting bargain of a sale, give yourself time. The time to reflect on what similar items you already own, how easily an item will work with your pre-existing wardrobe, and how much you truly like it, nay love it! Following some of these tips can help not only your wallet but also the Earth, in preventing overconsumption. Then, if after all of that, you’re still thinking about that funky jacket you saw, then go forth and treat yourself.