Wunderhorse Interview: Album Influences, Barefoot Drumming & Oasis Rumours

Wunderhorse’s second album Midas is out today & definitely deserves a listen. Music editor Millie had a chat with the band’s drummer Jamie Staples earlier this week, on the album’s influences, drumming without shoes, and whether they want to jump in on the Oasis reunion!

Millie: Just to start, so you played the BBC Introducing stage at Leeds festival on Sunday, even on such a small stage you had a crowd of 7000 people – how was that for you guys?

Jamie: Yeah that was really surreal, I mean we were a little bit gutted that the Radio One stage collapsed or blew away or whatever but yeah it was pretty special to see how many people still came. We really had no idea what it was gonna look like and yeah that was pretty special for us.

Millie: It was really cool, especially since we all thought it would’ve been cancelled.

Jamie: Yeah us too, but yeah when they offered to jump on that stage you know didn’t wanna turn it down

Millie: You guys played at Jumbo Records last night as well, it’s such a pillar of Leeds’ independent music scene. Are you excited to be back in Leeds again later in October?

Jamie: Yeah Leeds just does always seem to go off for us, we always look forward to playing here and it’s one of our favourite places to visit – definitely for going out for a drink as well.

Millie: Do you have a favourite place to go?

Jamie: We love the Brudenell, the main room there is always great to play, you can get yourself a pie and play some pool, its great.

Millie: I read recently that you juggle working with the band and working on a building site?

Jamie: Yeah for me either building or landscaping, which I try my best to run away from but it keeps clawing me back.

Millie: How do you balance that?

Jamie: With difficulty honestly, and I don’t struggle as much as my bandmate Pete has done recently. Well I’ve been doing this for a long time so I’ve managed to land myself in a few jobs that are flexible for me, but it’s taken me a while to do that. But yeah, honestly part of it is quite nice to keep your feet on the ground and get a fair days work for a fair days pay which you don’t always get in music. So it’s quite nice to get that element in my life, but at the same time I’m very ready to leave that behind.

Millie: You’ve been in some punk bands before, Shark Dentist and Teeth Machine, do you prefer playing in a heavier setting or with softer tracks, like Superman on the new album?

Jamie: You’ve done your research! I like playing the heavier tunes, I think we all do live, but as long as we make what we think we’ve made is a good song, we’re happy to play it live.

Millie: July seems to have made itself a permanent part of the setlist, and there is a physical effort from [lead singer] Jacob in the intro where he is getting into the song, do you all do that, is there a character you feel you need to possess?

Jamie: Not so much a character, more tipping into a part of ourselves in order to keep our energy up. There can definitely be a need on tour when you’re having to do that and you’re also conscious of it being real and not contrived. We bang our head together before shows – not literally – but we try to get into a headspace to give whatever we have to the floor that night.

Millie: I read that you never wear shoes to drum? Is that true?

Jamie:  Yeah always, I’ve never worn shoes to play. Its just something when I first sat down on the kit I wasn’t wearing shoes and I think when I started to learn the slide technique on the key pedal, I found it was a quicker route without shoes on. Its just the way I feel the most comfortable.

Millie: Highschool are supporting you later this year on tour, what other bands are you listening to right now that might be up and coming?

Jamie: Well, a lot of the bands, modern bands right now, Wu-Lu is a personal favourite of mine, and someone I’m always keeping an eye on and drawing inspiration on from drumming. There’s a lot of good bands at the moment, Highschool are a band we like a lot, they’re a bit different from us but they were willing and available when we were looking for our lineup.

Millie: As [debut album] Cub was seen as a solo project from Jacob, but Midas is a full band piece, is there any songs coming out that you had more influence on?

Jamie: Yeah I think everyone for this Midas record, Jacob came to us with the bare bones of the songs, ie chords and lyrics, but the songs where we would make things together before any chords or lyrics were a different way round of doing things as well. Some songs start with more of a feeling than anything else. I think you can feel everyone’s personality come through quite strong on this record, as far as I can tell anyway, which is not something that was lacking exactly on Cub, but experience has made this record in a short space of time, and we were all present for it so naturally the burden was spread across all of us and we all had input.

Millie: So you guys supported Pixies, they’re one of my favourite bands, and you’ve mentioned they had quite an influence on the album so how was it touring with them?

Jamie: It was amazing, it was surreal. They’re just living legends, we didn’t get to rub shoulders with them much, we all definitely got to say hi to all of them at points. I guess they’re a little bit further along and they know how they like to do things. But as a band, all 4 of us listened to them growing up and to see them perform live every night undoubtably rubbed off on the record. It was pretty much one after the other that we did it and not least they recorded a record off the back of it too if I’m not mistaken. So yeah, but I can’t say they were right at the front of out minds while we recorded the album but we were fresh off tour with them.

Millie: I’ve seen Nirvana be mentioned as a big influence for this album too, were there any other bands that influenced the album?

Jamie: Yeah, lots of people really, a lot of the records we were listening to while we recorded the album you know we often take the morning an intensive listening session if you like. Where you actually just don’t do anything else but listen to the records, which even as musicians we don’t do that often all about it was often – we should do more. It was The Beatles, particularly Rubber Soul, and The Rolling Stones. Also, a lot of replacements altogether definitely prior to the album. The essence of those bands that we wanted to capture. Obviously, Nirvana is a big influence anyway, especially if you’re wanting to make some heavier, darker music, they’re naturally an influence.

Millie: What are your thoughts on the Oasis reunion? Would you support them if they offered?

Jamie: Yeah, we’d support them in a heartbeat – in fact I think we should be put forward for it, I can’t think of anyone better. But yeah, its very exciting, I think we’ve actually heard bits about it over the last 2 weeks, I’ve had some friends in the music industry who have been saying it was gonna happen and I was pretty delighted to see it announced. We would love to be on one of those shows.

Millie: That’s everything from me! Thank you for your time Jamie! Can’t wait to see the show in October!

Jamie: Yeah, thank you so much & see you then!

Midas is out on all streaming platforms today & Wunderhorse will be performing Leeds Beckett Student Union on 19th October.

Wunderhorse’s Golden Touch: Midas Review

Plunging into devastating ballad tracks and blistering singles, the main takeaway I have from Midas, Wunderhorse’s second album, is that this is their cementation of brilliance. After debut album, Cub (2022), which is undoubtedly polished and sprawling with lyrics that even the loudest critics (middle aged britpop dads) cannot fault – it is truly refreshing to see the rest of the band’s personality soak through into Midas, as they have now naturally become a fully-formed band.

Opening with titular single Midas sets the tone with an immediate punch to the gut. The long anticipation of the album, with already 5 singles out before release, has given fans high expectations. Interestingly by releasing the screamer earworm tracks first. One of these is Rain, a track which has spiralling guitar riffs that won’t leave your mind for days. Standing out is the direct, piercing sound of Slater’s voice punctuating the album. He’s speaking to us, with his drawling vocals and Pete Woodin’s menacing bassline, it’s clear Wunderhorse are not here to mess around. The sharp edges of this album mimic their raucous live sound and you can almost feel them looming behind you as you listen.

Emily is a song that finally shows off that Wunderhorse have successfully created a distinctive sound, albeit a cacophony of vulnerability, it has Jamie Staples’ incisive drums taking the lead. Yet Emily holds a feeling of Slater’s exposed self, seen in his previous solo album, Pinky I Love You (2023). Another single to be released was Silver, a lighter, catchier number, likely released to combat the miserably grey summer. The melodic guitar really comes through here, and it caters to a more generic indie-pop audience. Wunderhorse’s fanbase has massively grown since their debut, with them pulling huge crowds at Leeds Festival this weekend, with 7000 people coming to their last-minute performance on the BBC Introducing stage, as well as an intimate gig at Jumbo Records on Monday. I’m certain that the excitement surrounding Midas will only explode in the coming weeks, especially as their autumn tour looms. 

Today, the final, and fifth single, Arizona was released. A song that I think really demonstrates the band’s growth since Cub, with added depth from backing vocals, with a reverberating rhythm that builds and crashes down. Arizona feels like a track that is built to play live, strong drums and a welcome instrumental solo that we can feel the band losing themselves in, and taking us down with them. Similarly, single July mimics the same feeling in Arizona, there are definitely lessons learnt from touring being felt, and a yearning, chasing feeling to both these songs, with feelings of Nirvana and Pixies’ influence leaking through. The extended intro of July has been added to many of their live performances, along with Slater’s slightly odd behaviour, including general screaming, choking himself and gagging on stage before July begins. Potentially reflecting on the energy that must be mustered through long touring and night after night of putting his whole self out on stage. 

Standout track, and my personal favourite, is Superman. A slower, acoustic number, that has a crawling anticipation that leaves goosebumps on your skin. The depth of the softer drums is gorgeous and the universal theme of being misunderstood is translated from Slater’s mind into what genuinely feels like poetry. It’s raw, personal and it hits you like a slap. There’s a feeling of desperation that isn’t out of place for a band like Wunderhorse. One which isn’t trying to be cool, or to mimic bands of the past, or prove something to its audience. The cyclical sound scales all the way back by the end, and we breathe through the track with the band in a way that makes Wunderhorse feel closer than ever before.

The band’s work with producer Craig Silvey (The Rolling Stones, The National, Florence + The Machine) along with their organic, unpolished recording process is what really captured this closeness and the visceral atmosphere that they have already become well-known for. Cathedrals is a track that masters this; with a slower start that spirals into a heavier track. While feeling somewhat simple, built in elements of the song bring forth a bigger picture of a devoted love song that becomes increasingly raspy and raucous. Slater’s spacey vocals have quite simply never been better and the intensity of the song makes it feel almost like we’re intruding on Slater as he descends into a screaming cry that commands all the attention it begs for. 

Penultimate track Girl leans into a more alternative sound, echoing cheery vocals and a summery melody give it a more 90s nostalgic vibe. It’s light, it’s catchy, it’s a spiralling singalong that will undoubtedly go down a treat live. On a complete contrast is final song Aeroplane, a mammoth 8+ minute number, opening with acoustic and snares that softly seems to be convincing us, or perhaps Slater himself, of his capacity to love. It’s a drawn out track of inner turmoil and clawing to be lifted out of this pit. Half way through, we get a well-awaited building, with the crackling of electric guitar coming through, becoming prominent and overpowering. There’s a hesitant feeling, until the guitar rips through and we feel the two sides of this album fighting against each other. Scattered, and losing all structure, it slows down into a repetitive sync, of tight-fast moments into long, technical notes. Aeroplane tackles the aggressive , fast-paced tracks of the album that demand to be heard, and pits them against the vulnerability that comes with sore, and unhealed exposure. 
Wunderhorse had a laborious task, to follow such a clean debut album. Midas is a response which has stark edges and carefully placed tenderness. It lacks all the restraint of Cub and has all the power of not just Slater, but 4 musicians forcing their way through victorious. Midas is available on all streaming platforms on Friday, and even better, Wunderhorse are playing in Leeds on 18th October.

Interview with JAMES’ Saul Davies

Written and edited by Millie Cain.

Sat outside his home in a pair of Ray-Bans and a denim shirt, he looked so classically rock.

How are you feeling about playing the First Direct in June?

Of all the arenas we play in the UK its my favourite, its really powerful sounding its great to be on stage in there, being under the lights just feels amazing. I don’t know what they did right when they built that place, but it was something right – because playing arenas can feel quite soulless. But actually, I love it. What were the iconic venues in Leeds that are probably gone now? It’s a bit like in Manchester, all of our towns had these amazing venues and a lot of these venues have gone.

We’re lucky, we have a real, across Yorkshire really, an amazing audience and an amazing connection to our audience, so that venue always sells out when we play there, and it always sounds amazing, and we always look forward to playing it on our tour. A lot of people say that, but it is actually true. There are other venues that fall into that category, like in London, Wembley is a belter, it’s quite different really to Leeds, its older and it just sounds amazing. It’s a tight and powerful sound, just everything sounds hyper in there. A lot of these sheds are horrible, but I suppose with music, it’s not where its natural place is to play. I always feel like it’s a bit of a shame, to pay (so much quid) but we’ve nothing to do with it, we don’t get anything from the bar or the t-shirt prices.

There are definitely special places to play though, recently you’ve played the Apollo in Manchester in aid of Music Feeds Live, and how was it organising such an event with so many other artists?

That was my initiative, my (something?) where I am now. We did it online during the pandemic and donated the money raised to food banks and then we thought we want to do – (interrupted by dog Nell “alright Nell” laughing) we wanted to do something physical, you know on the stage. So we decided to take on that venue, and we had an amazing crew, The Farmer, Star Sailor and Chicane, Simon Armitage and it was amazing. It was difficult, hellishly stressful, we got some money from to the Trussel Trust that came, people brought food on the night, food parcels, made donations. It was really worth doing but hard you know. But it also was a good reminder that there isn’t many of those kinds of events. So we should do this, its difficult and a bit tricky to pull off.

Yeah, it’s really worth it for donations but raising awareness as well is so important.

Yeah, and showing and being able to say well look we’re gonna show solidarity for those who need that support, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that people do that work and support and it doesn’t go unnoticed that people need that support. No one person or one organisation, of course, is ever going to sort that out, I think that’s a mad spaghetti junction of problems and issues that we wont ever really be able to solve I don’t think any time soon. At the same time, I do think its right that people who feel like they’ve got the energy to do something, do it.

The new album is coming out in April, there was 86 jam sessions in the course of 3 weeks and there is a bonus CD ‘Pudding’ coming out, in your experience how are the jam sessions used creatively, and which track was most enjoyable to make?

Now there was a period in the late 90s where we did things slightly different, we’d all work on stuff at home and send it off to Tim and he would come up with vocals and stuff and they would become our songs. But that was short-lived, For us in James, it’s been 42 years, we just do it that way, we just get together and jam and it’s a bit of a mess and its inefficient and its hugely invigorating at times.

Yeah, it sounds pretty intense…

It is very intense yeah; we go into a room, and we don’t know what to do and we just do stuff. Some of it, a lot of it, is shit. Oh, that doesn’t work or that one sounds like it does, and sometimes you go back to the ones that were really cool, and it turns out the one we thought was shite was actually really good. And then we try to make a structure out of the racket that we’re making. Its cool you know, it’s not very efficient or an easy way to work but it’s the way we do it. Its not an easy way to work. But it’s the way we do it, its hugely challenging and hugely rewarding. I think on this record I had a big hand in a few of the songs on the record, finding them in jams in the first place and identifying bits of them that I thought could work and putting them together in a way that then we presented to the group as a possible. And they made it all the way through to the end. There’s a song called “Shadow of a Giant” that I really like on the record, which I didn’t put the jam together, but it was always very fast, and its now a very slow song, but it was originally a double tempo, twice as fast, and my suggestion was to half time it and give it this fatally kind of feel about it, and they put violin on it, which I was very happy with that performance. A guy called Jon Hopkins who’s known a lot for his electronic music, he played piano on it, so it was cool. There was another song called “Butterfly” which I really liked and I kind of put together really, but it’s a bit of a mad piece of music, but I do really, really like it.

And our fans will let us know if they think its shit,

Well, considering you’re still selling out arenas, there’s obviously still that audience there

I think its really interesting because I think there’s been a little bit of a resurgence of interest in a period of music where we certainly were very active in the mid-90s, and probably in a nostalgic way, looking at that era, but also in a way that you can look at any era of music and you can still inadvertently, unconsciously or even perhaps consciously, steal ideas from that time. In seeing that happening with new artists that are coming through, they’re looking at that period of time, thinking ‘it was really cool!’ and we were there when it originally happened, and I’m sure it was that cool but whatever! (laughs) You know so, I do think there’s a little resurgence of interest in that period of music, and a lot of the music that was around at that point way guitar music, so I think it also brings a little bit of focus on guitar music which I think is good. Kids getting into rooms together with instruments, just bashing out noise, I think is a great thing for people to do, it brings people together in a really nice way. And that’s more difficult to do when you’re a solo artist or you’re very electronic or whatever, but I do think its very good, there’s been a long long history in the UK, across the world, but in the UK, especially people who come from a particular social background and thinking “fuck you, we wanna be heard”.

One of the songs on the album “Rouge” tackes ageism, at the minute do you feel a lack of respect for the older generation of bands and for James as an energetic band, do you feel like there’s a point to prove while you’re touring?

No, I don’t think so, although I think people around us and the audience might think there is, and I can understand that, it is understandable, but no I don’t think we do. We can’t deny or hide the fact we all get older, one thing you get while getting older is your perspective changes quite a lot and I think there’s a tendency to believe that people get a lot more right wing and conservative as they get older but obviously, I feel like we aren’t exactly doing the opposite but we’re definitely not falling into that trap.

There was a show in Athens last year where you played with a full orchestra, what kind of experience was that?

 We do feel like a mini little army as a band anyway, we could be an 11 a side football team, a mixed football team that is.  But that was really special, very stressful too, we were aware of where we were and that place is just insanely special, its really something right. Its also quite controversial, being British with the Elgen Marbles, as we call them, and the rest of it, and that was all raging last year, a lot of debate about what the UK should do and what Greece wanted the UK in terms of returning those artifacts, so it was interesting to then go in there and play. I think it was viciously hot that day, its hot anyway but its 40+ degrees down there in the bowl, as the marble holds the heat, even into the late night its boiling. It was a very special night, it was a privilege to play there, I made a quip that night about standing where Plato stood and they actually were there, Thucydides and all those guys. And I know not everyone had a classical education but nonetheless we all know who Plato is. I have to say, its really magical, a lot of movement and noise around, you get towards those steps and get towards it, and you just go “wow”. For us to play there, it was just beyond special, it wasn’t an easy gig, technically, for us to pull off, because of the space, but we did it, we did a great show. It was one of the highlights of our career, we filmed it and recorded the audio, to I’d like for us to put that out.

There’s been a lot of activity recently with AI in music, would you guys ever want to get involved in that and what do you think about it?

No, my opinion is actually, well I was talking to Tim the other day and he doesn’t get my opinion at all, but I actually think Ive seen a little crack in the debate surrounding this, I think AI just another change, a technological advance, and like so many potential advances they have good and bad things happen, like every single thing that we do we enjoy the positives but create dangerous and difficult moments throughout history as humans. Artificial intelligence isn’t a thing, its not a robot, we can make a robot and AI could guide that to take over the world but that’s very much sci fi to me. I think what people are saying is the threat to our creative culture. A lot of music that has been made for a long time, back into the 50s has been very formulaic. Theres always been teams of writers, people like Elvis and Ella Fitzgerald would walk into a room and be handed a song that conforms to a certain type of style. A lot of our pop music is already very formulaic, and it is across all genres, into hip hop, rap and even grime has its own rules, and they need to follow those rules or things won’t happen when the ear needs it to happen, and it won’t work. In my opinion, this is just another tool, I think people have been cheating anyway by being formulaic and AI is just another form of cheating in a sense, and I can see that as an extension to the formulaic way that music has been made for a very long time. Some hugely brilliant songs though, just because they’re formulaic doesn’t mean they’re not good, like ABBA, almost invented their own formulaic and we have to admire it because its so well done. Some people might say that about The Beatles, I don’t because I think they’re geniuses, but some people might say that. I just don’t buy it really; I think we need to have a much more nuanced view and we need to embrace the change or then we will get fucked by it. In creative industries, if there’s one place, we should embrace change surely its in a creative industry. How do we embrace it and make it good? How do we change the narrative. And I’m fed up of reading the guardian, a bunch of tossers  whining, where’s the level of intelligence surrounding this debate? I’m just not seeing it.

This album is very light, there’s hope and joy, after a few negative years, there seems to be a change in more positive music.

I agree, I think you’re right, we’ve got that song called “Life’s A Fucking Miracle”, and I think that a really good statement that Tim’s made there, that’s quite a clever one I wanna see that on a t-shirt, I want a bucket hat, to see a bunch of yobbos wearing it. But I’ve got to go, thank you so much, it was really nice to meet you, bye bye!

‘I am Loyle Carner, take these words and go forward’: Live at The Piece Hall 

Written and edited by Millie Cain.

The legions of Salomon stomper-wearing students descended into Halifax after battling the downpouring summer weather and classic Northern rail strikes. After a slightly sweaty, but cheap journey, The Piece Hall loomed ahead as we climbed the cobbled streets to its grand square. Children of Zeus led the way as a bold support act, ironically backdropped by dark clouds and the hot air of an incoming storm, pushed the already packed crowd and had heads bobbing along from the get go. Hands were raised, pints too, but not a drop of the £7 lager was spilt. 

The crowd swayed along, an aroma of weed snaked through the masses, and The Piece Hall’s floor must’ve been squeaky clean after the thousands of pairs of too-long baggy jeans were dragged across the stones. The church spire on the left of the stage made it feel almost a religious experience, and as Loyle Carner finally descended onto the stage, after technical weather difficulties, we were certainly enlightened.

Bouncing straight into ‘Hate’, Carner joked apologetically about the wait, but the crowd’s patience paid off as he sounded excellent, and the atmosphere was electric. The rush of the coming storm and the bouncing hands in the air led into ‘Plastic’, before Carner took his first moment to breathe after hitting the stage. The orange waves of light washed over the crowd for the more chill, almost leaning into a jazz number ‘Ain’t Nothing Changed’. Carner towards the end of the song leaned down into the crowd, taking a moment to hug and chat to a fan, telling the rest of the audience to applaud his fans at the front too ‘I was always front row of everyone I loved, like you man!’ and Carner joked with him about knowing every single word of his songs. It’s truly refreshing to see an artist connecting with his fans, instead of trying to be aloof and cool. Carner is honest, vulnerable and it’s clear to see that respect is paid back tenfold by the crowd.

Image Credit: Cuffe and Taylor and The Piece Hall.

For ‘Desoleil’ Carner began speaking through his lyrics, it felt raw, but hopeful, and the piano underlay added a real soft layer of depth. With the audience singing along with the vocals in the back, despite the volume it still felt so peaceful. ‘Trust me, trust me’ Carner begs his crowd, ‘listen’ he sings, ironically, as if we aren’t already hanging onto his every word. He also took some time to make noise for his band, showing appreciation for them as part of his performance, and bowing down to the crowd, arms aloft in such a display of gratefulness that it made this sold-out gig feel so much more intimate, despite the 6,000 fans around me. 

A crowd favourite ‘Angel’ hit, to bring a more lighthearted tone, the bright lights of the stage bounced off the walls of the hall and the church behind it, as Carner preached on his alter, he had everyone clapping as one, as he, and we all appreciated what a ‘beautiful place’ this was to experience his music. Straight off this high he seamlessly transitioned into ‘Damselfly’. He laughed and joked along with the crowd ‘Oh you guys know this one?’ as the audience chanted along with him, undeterred as the first drops of rain began to fall. 

Luckily, it seemed the whole crowd had their Arcteryx raincoats on, so both hoods and people alike rose over heads and balanced on shoulders. The song extended to allow for the chillest, angelic shred on guitar, that seemed effortlessly groovy and had everyone swaying into ‘Yesterday’. Carner throughout was so engaging, even as he faced difficulties with his microphone not working and the delayed set times, he performed with such positivity and pushed through with an incredible calibre that must be respected. ‘You should be up here with me!’ He complimented his die-hard fans, and he chatted about his experience touring with his son. After being with him for the first few weeks,his son had gone home 2 days before, and Carner was transparent with how much he missed exploring and performing with him, and he took this moment to play ‘Homerton’ for him. The drums were brilliant on this track, and Carner’s tone made it feel like a conversation as he let us in on his relationship with his family and his son, knitting the crowd together in appreciation for him and his openness on stage. 

‘This is my favourite song I’ve ever written, but I’m scared to play because I’m kind of a shy person sometimes. Where I’m from there’s an idea of what a man is. I’m soft, and fuck the toxic masculinity bullshit please!’ Carner discussed before playing ‘Nobody Knows (Ladas Road’, a song he announced was also for his newly born daughter. ‘I was young when I had kids, it’s cool! My son is getting to the age where he can talk to me, it’s great, but it’s hard when I’m working, we shout scream laugh and cry, he come back he says I’m sorry I was frustrated, sad , angry but it’s so beautiful that my son at 3 and a half years old can articulate his emotions as a man’ as he thanked his own mother for doing that for him. Carner consistently shows he has more compassion than we’ve seen from a music artist in a long time. From his CALM campaigns and art exhibitions to ‘Chilli Con Carner’ his cooking program for ADHD children, he certainly is making an effort to bring more kindness into the world. 

Breaking into ‘Still’, the crowd was sailing, the spotlights moved slowly over the outreached hands and Carner was left speechless admitting ‘Words fail me, which is rare, this is one of the best shows we’ve played in a really long time’ and the honour was ours. For the ending of the show he pulled in his dancier numbers, the heavily instrumental and groovy ‘Speed of Plight’, with punchy lyrics and a well-awaited final ‘Ottolenghi’, which had everyone singing along. 

Loyle Carner ended his set in the drizzly rain with a poem. A new one, the crowd begged, and he obliged, even with his nerves. Dedicating it to his mother and brother, and the safety he found within his family, as well as the difficulties that come with it. The crowd was awed into silence and his words will stay with me for a long time. 

‘My name is Loyle Carner, take these words and go forward’.

Image Credit: Cuffe and Taylor and The Piece Hall.

Leeds Festival Unveils New Stages & Local Artists

Written and edited by Millie Cain

With less than 100 days to go, Reading and Leeds Festival have unveiled plans for 2 new stages, as well as releasing local Leeds artists you can catch over the weekend at the BBC Music Introducing Stage. Catfish and The Bottlemen, this year’s long-awaited headliners started out in 2013 at Leeds BBC Music Introducing Stage, as well as the likes of Beabadoobee, Corella and Kid Kapichi who are all playing this year.

Reading and Leeds have announced that they always have and will continue to champion new and upcoming artists with the North of England being ‘full of talent that speaks across genres and generations’. With the following local artists playing:

Delilah Bon hailing from Barnsley is a force to be reckoned with blending elements of hip-hop, nu metal, and riot grrrl ethos into her signature “Brat Punk” style. The self-described Rage Queen excitedly announced how she ‘can’t wait to bring my girl rage to the stage at Reading & Leeds this year, was such a surprise being chosen to represent BBC Introducing, so so honoured. So excited! Been wanting to play this festival for so long. Girl power!’ Her music serves as a fierce anthem for marginalized communities, particularly women, non-binary and the LGBTQ+ community. 2024 promises to be a monumental year for Delilah Bon, with a highly anticipated album slated for release in September.

Indie-pop artist Ellur from Halifax will bring her youthful energy and guitar anthems to BBC Introducing this year. Her self-detrimental love letters to herself celebrates and reflects on relationships, womanhood & growing up. After being named named by Clash Magazine as one of the ‘Five Sets That Defined Live at Leeds In The Park’, and with her new festival-ready anthem ‘Boys’ released, she’s one to catch. Especially if you haven’t got the chance to see her at her sold-out headlining shows in Leeds.

Sun King are coming off the back of touring with Wunderhorse and Deadletter to play Leeds Festival this year. The five-piece band from York, are on the rise, notably by blending sounds from the past and present with an electric feel. SunKing’s live shows have gained themselves a fierce reputation as ones to watch this year, describing how ‘We’ve always wanted to play R&L. Having all been as punters throughout the years, it’s high on the list of festivals to play for us. It’ll be nice this year to roll up and plug in the amps. We are very much looking forward to it.’

Jodie Langford‘s passionate message as a unapologetically Northern spoken word artist quickly became the go-to voice for the youth within her hometown of Hull. She’s known for exposing the injustice and plight of young people across the city and further across the north. With dry humour and lyrical content that tackles everything from downing pints, dead-end jobs and the government’s treatment of young people to more personal relationship issues. Working to carve a sound that darts between thrashing Post Punk sensibilities, feverish Techno rhythms and Drum & Bass chaos. She’s known to become a force of nature when she performs live, hypnotising audiences with ferocious, confident, thought-provoking shows and has been described as one of Hull’s best new artists to keep an eye on.

Exclusively debuting this year is groundbreaking new stage: The Chevron. Positioned in the main arena of the festival site, The Chevron is an immense 40,000 capacity open-air venue, with the world’s first floating video canopy made up of hundreds of thousands of programmable LED lights. The exclusive structure, promises an immersive show environment, raising the bar for dance music and hip-hop fans and artists alike. The legends themselves, The Prodigy will be playing here, along with techno artists Sonny Fodera, Nia Archives, and Skrillex.

Reading and Leeds have also unveiled The Aux, a pioneering live stage for digital creators, for the first time at a music festival. To highlight some of today’s most popular and culturally relevant personalities and providing a new platform in the live sector. The site has described The Aux as the place to bridge the gap between the digital world and live entertainment, with the likes of The Chunks & Filly Show, The Useless Hotline, Antics With Ash, In Ayamé We Trust, The M1 Podcast and many more acts to be announced.

Full Lineup Below:

Fontaines DC: Sonic Singles & Switching Singers

Written and edited by Millie Cain.

Do Fontaines DC ever sleep? Now onto their 4th album, following almost unbroken touring in the last few years, with another set to come this winter following their array of summer festival appearances, I can only wonder how they have the time. But, with new single ‘Starburster’ continuing to accelerate Ireland’s most vulnerable post-punk band, we evidently have much to look forward to with their upcoming album Romance.

Not to complain, as nearly everyone is in agreement that their upcoming album has potential to be their best work to date. Huge shoes to fill after the critical acclaim of Skinty Fia (2022), Fontaines DC cemented their place as the current powerhouse of their genre. If you, like me, haven’t been able to get the industrial, post production grit of new single ‘Starburster’ out of your head, then you’ll be holding out for a very high standard for their new record. Undeniably talented, unparalleled in their cult-like fanbase, bringing in new sounds and swapping member’s roles, I believe Romance could be the one. 

Notably, Fontaines DC have certainly spun onto a whole new marketing wheel, which begs the question, is it ironic or just cringe? For a band so self-aware, I can only presume we are seeing an acid green alt-pop characteristaion of ‘wet wipe’ artists, such as Yungblud, who are hyper fixated on a more childish, hyper-pop aesthetic. While a reach into far nu-metal is understandable, Chatten himself has cited an influence from Korn and a new bigger budget label pushing their releases, the Y2K style is questionable at best for a respected band in their 30s – but we can hold out hope for irony. 

I’m predicting the titular album track ‘Romance’ to hit us in June, with tinges of 90s Nick Cave and Depeche Mode seeping through, it’s clear they’re setting the score for the new album early doors. It’s likely we will see ‘Favourite’, a bright, jangly, shoegaze-esque number recently debuted at a show in Warsaw, Brooklyn to guide us through summer and into their late August album release with its looping guitar lines. The recently played new material has been devoured and rightly so. With bigger label XL recordings at their back, it is clear Fontaines DC are branching out and making changes for their new record.

Following Grian Chatten’s solo album Chaos For The Fly (2023), which was worked on a personal level and with his girlfriend Georgie Jesson supporting on some tracks, it has potentially given space for other members of the band to bring ideas of their own to the table. Guitarist Conor Curley is debuting ‘accidentally’ as lead singer for at least one album track, written by himself ‘Sundowner’; an exciting proposition after uncovering his previous own recordings on soundcloud (available here: https://soundcloud.com/conor-curley ), a great vibrato and jazz swing vocally could make for a really interesting switch in the song that has been described as an ‘ode to friendship’ by himself. Bassist Conor ‘Deego’ Deegan has also been stepping up with further influence, after finding love in Paris and taking time for personal growth, seemingly paid off with the addictive bassline on ‘Starburster’. One of which is a Ulysses reminiscent single ‘Horseness is the Whatness’ written by guitarist Carlos O’Connell, who has spent time producing for Peter Perrett, as well as becoming a father since the last album, and has brought in the mellotron heard on ‘Starburster’ and apparently building in strings for his album tracks. 

Other album tracks such as ‘Death Kink’ have been described as having ‘the ghost of Boys in The Better Land’ of Dogrel (2019) fame laid throughout. We’ll be surprised to see a more sensual tone to Chatten’s songwriting, something he openly admitted he ‘never had the confidence’ for and we will see in mid-album track ‘Desire’. But, fans of their previous work won’t need to worry too much – if the guitars on Romance are anything to go by, Fontaines DC aren’t altogether abandoning their Skinty Fia sound. Chatten’s songwriting isn’t something any fan can doubt, as a child, Chatten’s father bribed him with packets of football stickers to memorise poems – leading him to listen to and recite the likes of Bob Dylan and the Cure. In retrospect, he admitted even at a young age he was trying to reach beyond the banality of everyday life. One song especially, central track ‘In The Modern World’ appears to be a standout, questioning the spiralling of political strife and the detachment from capitalist society, along with ‘Here’s The Thing’, an anxious pitfall into an argument in between Chatten and O’Connell will certainly make for an interesting listen.

Chatten has admitted in interviews to having pulled influences for this album from Gorillaz and Blur, while fans speculate a delve into Prodigy and early Kasabian vibes on ‘Starburster’, the band have a vault of brilliant music to draw from. The band have been working with producer James Ford who has worked with these artists named, as well as the likes of The Last Shadow Puppets and Arctic Monkeys ( with Alex Turner himself being seen recently attending a Fontaines DC show in Brooklyn) there is sonic talent both in the studio and on stage for this record. 
Romance will be available on 23rd August 2024, you can catch them at Leeds Festival that very next weekend, or at First Direct Arena on 3rd December.

Lime Garden Sow Seeds of Serenity at the Brudenell

Written and Edited by Millie Cain.

Lime Garden enchanted Brudenell Social Club on Sunday 3rd March, to the absolute joy of their fans. A later set, highlighting their ridiculously talented support acts ugly and Brodie Milner, the Brighton based band ascended to the eerie, pink-lit stage with the grace and sound of angels. The spotlights created a glowing atmosphere, and a moment of appreciation, lead singer Chloe Howard, began with “Bitter”. Drummer Annabel Whittel, kept a funkier sound between songs, as the band charmed and chattered away to their audience. “Pop Star” had an almost Metric-vibe, which scratched an itch between the ears with a reverberating baseline. They admitted this was their largest headline show, and the packed audience was giddy with glee as the band glowed with excitement. A room of statement silver necklaces and dangling earrings that seemed to clink together as a backing track to the indie-pop sound. 

A middle section of winding, singalong shoegaze-pop made for a lovely interlude, then breaking into “Marbles”, a favourite of rock legend Hayley Williams, of Paramore success, in a sultry deep number which must’ve been inspired by her. Lime Garden’s recent album “One More Thing” snaked through the setlist, the 80s synth of “Mother” and vocal-focused “It” allowed the band to show off their slower, tight technical abilities, before kicking the set up a gear into their bouncier tunes. Leila Deeley & Tippi Morgan made for an exceptionally talented guitar & bass duo, and are commanding respect within the genre. This is a year for female indie to flourish and Lime Garden are a leading cause. A crowd favourite was “Nepotism (Baby)” as they sung about their longing to be the daughter of Kate Moss, as we all do, and an angrier “Love Song” with punchy, fast drums and an accelerating tempo, I couldn’t believe Howard’s admission of a sore throat, it sounded so polished, and the crowd was more than happy to be the backing vocals. 

Big single “Clockwork” was a brilliant moment, there’s a real trappings of superstars here, it’s no surprise Johnny Marr named them as his favourite current band. For their encore, they returned with groovy single “Pulp” that completely captivated the crowd and finished on stellar track “Surf N Turf” with incredible guitar moments and it was a true blinder to play out an effervescent, noisy set. 

Liam Gallagher & John Squire: Live Hometown Show

Written & Edited by Millie Cain.

The high ceilings of 02 Apollo seemed to shake with anticipation as the middle aged Gallagher haircut and Stone Island youth army stomped their feet and howled some form of football chant awaiting the arrival of two Manchester legends. But first, they swayed, their £7.50 pints trembling in the wake of one, rather introverted, quite polite man, as Jake Bugg took to the stage to support the new alliance of aged Britpop stars.

Bugg has never changed, perhaps that’s why he’s so beloved, or maybe it’s his absolutely stacked discography of modern indie classics. The crowd was packed, we’d warily eyed up the queue that snaked the whole way down the street hours before, especially since their shouts could be heard from Picadilly. Wearing plain black with a single blue spotlight and an acoustic guitar, Bugg commanded the din, yet couldn’t tame the electric buzz that comes with hometown shows. Breaking into hits such as “Seen It All” and “Slumville Sunrise” he proved his own talent as a single performer on acoustic to not only fill such a huge space, but charm even the most raucous crowd. While not the chattiest, his songs speak for themselves and I was pleasantly surprised to hear a new song of Bugg’s that hadn’t already been pummelled, drained and dried out daily by Radio X. We were eager, leaning forwards, as if we could taste the new material. What it promises is his classic, instant charm with original sound. Bugg, predictably, finished off his set with “Two Fingers” and “Lightning Bolt”, to deafening roars from the crowd as they clambered on top of each other and chanted along, louder than any band Bugg could have at his back. He wound the crowd up, shook the bottle and ran, nodding his head in thanks and clearing off stage while fans screamed and hands tore through the air. 

Backdropped by the sound of George Harrison’s ‘Ski-ing’, Gallagher’s silhouette reached the stage first to belted out cries of “Liam, Liam, Liam” baying for their parka-monkey leader, donned in his finest long waterproof coat to protect him from the beer sweat of 3500 people staring right back at him – but let’s remember this is light work for the former Oasis frontman, and for The Stone Roses’ lead guitarist who followed Gallagher onto stage. The pairing is any Britpop dad’s wet dream and they genuinely delivered what they would all hope for. Unlike Squire’s former fellow bandmate Ian Brown who shocked and generally disappointed audiences with his run of shows last year, Squire and Gallagher made sure these fans got their 75 quid’s worth and left nothing to spare. 

Opening with the album’s lead single “Just Another Rainbow” the funky drums and irresistible bassline led into a track that amped up their audience, who already knew every word, and as Gallagher cruised around the stage, mouthing ‘I love you’ under the spiralling colourful lights, Squire held longer, technical solos, showing off undeniable talent and experience. The brightness of the colourful stage was blinding, as was Gallagher’s pure confidence, obviously, we expect nothing less than his decades old arrogance, with a slightly mellowed edge as he’s really learnt into family life – even recently announcing son Gene’s new band Villanelle will be supporting him on his upcoming sold out UK tour. 

The Wheel’ brought an almost hypnotic moment, a slower, winding track, with a sea of palms raised. The track slowly built, snakelike in its power, as the lights span and yet Squire stood forward, cool and collected, as if he wasn’t holding thousands of people in the calluses of his fingers. In a sound reminiscent of ‘Dig Out Your Soul’ era Oasis, ‘I Love You Forever’ was a more fluid moment in the set. There’s a certain degree of respect that had to be felt on that stage, and it was surprising but nice to see Liam take a step back and allow Squire and his bandmates to shine. Drummer, Joey Waronker, and keyboardist, Christian Madden were both on raised platforms, and Gallagher frequently would wander off stage and just allow these musicians to have their own moment in longer instrumental sections. 

Of course, Gallagher can only be kept at bay for so long, before delving into ‘I’m So Bored’ he stirred up the footy casuals by loudly sharing his love for his beloved Man City, then allowed the crowd to squirm as he launched into a more critical track. An almost Trainspotting soliloquy of a song that calls out the middle aged crisis and their own generation of ageing rock stars, there’s a feeling of pushing back against imagined confinement and its clear from both Squire and Gallagher’s solo careers that they will continue pushing on and rinsing every avenue open to them as long as it keeps them onstage, doing what they love. Seems to be working out, with their run of tour dates completely selling out and extra dates being added due to phenomenal demand. 

For crowd favourite ‘Liverpool To Mars’, there was an awakening in the room and a collective intake of breath before launching into song alongside the band. There were tiny kids in the crowd alongside up to 2 generations of families still stretching up and standing together in a real shining moment.  

For their final song, loud boos echoed and the crowd then went into chanting in honour of Squire, as they marched into ‘Raise Your Hands’, with a long dedication to. ironically, the former boxer Ricky Hatton. Gallagher waved maracas and a tambourine along, and he stepped aside to allow Squire to lead in this finality, there was a serious feeling on the stage that the presence of 2 giants in this genre to share a stage, share a creativity and together form a sound that allowed their own pasts to transcend but also bring a refreshing new hope to their music. Waving away the crowd, volleying a tambourine up onto a young boy on the balcony and wandering off into the red fog of the stage, the crowd twitched anxiously waiting for their encore. There was a hushed feeling in the room, shared hopes and prayers that maybe, just maybe they’ll play ‘Wonderwall’ but alas, they were sated with a surprising cover of classic ‘Jumping Jack Flash’ by The Rolling Stones – leaning into their own influences before them, and taking one last look at the gleaming eyes boring into them, Gallagher and Squire gave us a wave, and said goodbye, at least for now. 

IDLES: Plastic Punk or Proper Passion?

Written and Edited by Millie Cain.

A spontaneous show under the white lights of Project House, IDLES returned to Leeds for a double show evening celebrating the release of their new number 1 album “TANGK”. A vibrating crowd, the excitement of the sudden announcement of the gig and bouncing off the energy of a brilliant album made for an electric atmosphere. Diving into the crowd with my lovely friend Abbie, glowing in her cherry-red IDLES t-shirt underneath a huge smile, we could feel the anticipation snaking through the crowd. 

To the roars of “Idea 01”, IDLES launched onto stage, a flurry of movement, energy and charisma, lead singer Joe Talbot rested a heavy boot atop of the speakers and leaned into his audience, wearing a colourful “Don’t Mess with Yorkshire” t-shirt that definitely warmed the crowd, especially as he later commented that Leeds was “his favourite city” and his desire to move here from London, once his kids were grown. True or not, the crowd screamed back, wanting to keep Talbot forever in their town.  

They followed up with banger track “Gift Horse” with its addictive baseline as they tiptoe the line between steely electronica and post-punk. Then straight into their ironic single “Mr Motivator” reflecting on their own place as an ‘issues band’, they treated the crowd to their big hitters and the best of the new album. “The Wheel” went down ridiculously well, with the crowd starving for the noise, in between songs the band screamed “Viva Palestine” and repeating an advocate for peace that was reflected by their crowd. New single “Grace” made waves in the room, as well as online upon its release, with the video being a deepfaked copy of Coldplay’s ‘Yellow’ we saw an eerie Chris Martin with Talbot’s falsetto. For this album the band re-engaged with studio wizard Nigel Godrich of Radiohead glory, to co-produce TANGK with hip-hop genius Kenny Beats making for a hugely interesting sound with the blend of Godrich’s beloved analog tape loops and Beats’ in-programmed drums with layered synths that are standout in “Grace”. 

Collaborations on TANGK has really elevated the band’s sound, lead single “Dancer” with LCD Soundsystem is undoubtably strong, with plosive energy pulsing throughout that Talbot describes as “ the violence that comes from the pounding heart of the dancefloor”. With inspiration of the disco scene they experienced supporting LCD Soundsystem’s US tour. 

Closing their set were classics “Never Fight A Man With A Perm”, happily bellowed by a crowd of very permed men, and ending on “Rottweiler” as Talbot dropped back for drums and Bowen, floating around in dress that would make Florence Welch jealous, lead the ending, expressing their love (a word which is mentioned no less than 29 times on TANGK) for their crowd; and their partners, and mothers.  

Now they’re back on top of their game, they’re coming back under fire for previous comments made by older ‘punk’ rockers Sleaford Mods for portraying working class problems as their own, without actually experiencing these and using them as content. Ideas surrounding ‘relatable’ lyrics and songwriting, especially in ‘Scum’. However, after doubling down on their frenzied political attacks, in previous album “Crawler”, we can tell they’ve taken a step back and returned with a different spirit. It’s easy for everyone online to jump on a negative bandwagon, before taking a moment to try to at least support the cause that is being fought over, people have always desired to tear down political bands, even a fellow posh boy lead singer Alex Rice of Sports Team was quick to criticise, yet perhaps many people like these could do some internal reflection. Not that IDLES seemed to care in the first place- loudly announcing in 2019 that they didn’t class themselves as punk at all and Bowen only commented that he was happy to “let them scrap about it themselves”. While they’ve shown sympathy, and a desire to defend the underrepresented, we do need to remember a line between public support and exploitation. They shouldn’t be shunned for discussing issues, but for profiting off them.  

For TANGK they focused on the women in their life, the uneven gender landscape and, of course, their usual tory bashing. With their more recent commitment to family life, Talbot has even recently been on CBeebies ‘Bedtime Stories’, a slightly softer approach than his usual public appearances. While any political band will face backlash, many fans seem to appreciate their consistency to their ideas, and it’s culminated in a Mercury Prize nomination and in TANGK reaching number 1. With 2 unbelievably strong first albums, IDLES made a blast of impact following the wake of Brexit, and the rise of the far right in Britain, followed up with some less impressive records, but have evidently found their touch again.  

Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes Invade Leeds with The Mysterines

Written and Edited by Millie Cain

Surrounded by bald heads and beards, leather jackets and dyed red hair, with my 17-year-old sister in tow (who is far cooler than me), we arrived at the hive of excited chattering that was 02 Academy on 13th February. Perhaps it was the adrenaline of pancake day fuelling the crowd, but the atmosphere was blinding from the first moment.

Dressed in all black, grinning, The Mysterines took the stage. Lia Metcalfe’s sultry voice captivated the whole room, with an effortlessly cool attitude as they broke out into opening track, an unreleased fan favourite ‘The Last Dance’. There was a real feel of a hive mind within the band, they seemed to move in a haze around each other as if they had their own gravitational field.

Their short support set left a poignant mark on the rest of the night, the alternative Wirral-based 4-piece packed a punch, with a mixture of tracks from their previous discography and upcoming album ‘Afraid Of Tomorrows’ which is out June 7th. The band released a total of 7 songs across two EPs on their own Pretty Face Recordings label before signing to Fiction Records in March 2021 and releasing their debut album ‘Reeling’, the following year.

During standout track ‘Stray’, Lia held the crowd in the palm of her hand, holding an impenetrable gravitas under the smoky red stage light, she faced the crowd arm outstretched and let us be consumed by the sounds of the lead single of their upcoming album. ‘Stray’ was written after The Mysterines “re-indulged” in the music that shaped their childhood and was inspired by 2022 film Meet Me In The Bathroom, which explored the New York scene of the ‘90s and ‘00s through bands like The Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, LCD Soundsystem and Interpol.

“It’s almost feels like it would have made more sense if our albums were released the other way round,” Metcalfe told NME, with ‘Reeling’ focussing more on massive hooks and big singalongs while ‘Afraid Of Tomorrows’ sees the band leaning more on their psych, grunge and alternative influences. This album follows their UK tour supporting Arctic Monkeys, “That was the most surreal experience ever,” Metcalfe admitted. “It still feels like a fever dream we all had. They really looked after us and it was really inspiring to see a band from the North of England in their position. As huge and respected as they are, they’re so grounded and humble.”

“Because they were so relaxed and had so much fun with every show, that loosened us up,” Metcalfe added. “It allowed me to enjoy how mad it was that I was playing stadiums with my mates. It was also a good reminder that nothing has to be super serious all the time.”

With the honesty that comes with their music, there comes a shining light on sexism in the alternative music industry. Female songwriters are constantly having their songwriting credentials questioned, something the rest of her male bandmates are not victim to. Even after being invited to contribute lyrics to Paul Weller’s album, and a number 1 single, Lia still attests to the scrutiny she receives on such a higher level than the men in her genre.

To this crowd though, they had nothing to prove. A truly exciting, mesmerising performance which built an incredible ambiance with final track heavy rock hitter ‘Hung Up’ before Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes dived onto stage.

The fiery orange stage light opened the soft piano, a single poetic spotlight, he needed no introduction, the instantly recognisable Frank Carter stretched out, and the Rattlesnakes lit up behind him.

In a sharp suit, he dressed up for the occasion, slicked back Bond villain hair and launched into incredible vocals for the opening ballad ‘Can I Take You Home’ for Act I ‘Cloudy & Pink’ of their show, which contained 3 songs from their new album ‘Dark Rainbow’. Without pausing, the lead singer and guitarists alike were climbing the speakers, leaning so close to the crowd they nearly touched their noses as they launched into heavier track ‘Brambles’. The crowd of the 02 reached out to try to grasp the dark silhouettes on a red stage as they introduced themselves, with so much energy I thought Carter might take flight. “Who’s ready to dance Leeds? Because I fucking am!”

His point was proven – it wasn’t long before the suit jacket was off, pristine white shirt untucked, Carter was shaking his hair out, head banging along to the music. The whole band shared this intrepid current of excitement that bled through their music as they broke into Act II – ‘Like Lightning’.

A heavier, punkier part of the set that buzzed of feverish clapping, bouncing and general thrashing around to iconically beloved fan favourites such as ‘Devil Inside Me’ and ‘My Town’. They lit the stage with blue lights, even had heavy rain sounds preluding their tracks, the crowd was filled with whispers of people trying to predict upcoming songs, and wondering how big the mosh pit would spread.

The answer is huge. The fans were possessed, it felt like everyone in the room knew every word, Frank Carter was preaching to his own choir, and genuinely at times the crowd nearly drowned out the band themselves. Not that they seemed to mind – Carter gleefully twirled around his mic stand and pointed his mic out to the crowd to hear them singing back to him. For ‘Crowbar’ he crouched low, arms and legs in the air, throwing his body around the stage like a doll.

As the tempo increased for ‘Cupid’s Arrow’ his smile was so wide it could’ve split his face in half. The band themselves were so tight, ridiculously clean, for all their years of performing it really shows how polished a band of their experience should be.

For ‘Wild Flowers’ they announced, “this song is for some very special people tonight, this mosh pit is ladies only, if you want a mosh in a safe environment” and Carter couldn’t be more correct when he cried out that “You’ve never seen a happier mosh pit in your whole life!”.

By now we belong to the band, the cheeky and charming (without being cocky) Carter and effortlessly talented Rattlesnakes. It was a true shared -and sweaty- experience, watching trainers and doc martens float above heads as crowd surfers dived over and over into the air.

The band leeched off this energy, Carter himself dived in before screaming “this song is about how i kissed your boyfriend” and seemed to teleport straight back up on stage for the opening of ‘Honey’. Which was quickly flipped into ‘Parasite’ about your boyfriend, “who thinks he’s a comedian” , a furious number with big drops and an angry back and forth.

The band swung smoothly from these booming punk anthems into soul-crushing ballads, letting the crowd rise and dive with them every step of the way. There was a feeling of familiarity, I don’t doubt many people in the room had probably seen them over and over, but for me, on my first encounter with them, they drew me in as if I always had.   

“Leeds you’re beautiful as always, thank you so much for having us play” they constantly reached out, chatting away, letting the crowd chant back, listening to their people just as much. Carter crooned, threw himself into the passes, his vocals were immense, and he had some truly poignant moments to himself, but never hesitated to let his bandmates shine with him.