Interview: Jasmine.4.t on her debut album, boygenius, and the beauty of community

When it comes to music, blazing a trail is no easy feat. There are infinite barriers that come with trying to find a unique and relatable sound that connects with people and inspires a new generation of creatives, all while garnering praise from the biggest names and publications in the industry. Sounds like a lot of pressure, right?

Well, if you took one look at Manchester singer-songwriter Jasmine.4.t, you’d think it was as easy as saying ‘indie rock icon.’ Her boygenius-produced debut album, ‘You Are The Morning’ released via Phoebe Bridgers’ Saddest Factory Records on January 17th; ‘Imagine having your debut album produced by Phoebe [Bridgers], Lucy [Dacus] and Julien [Baker], like, what the hell?’

The record breaks new ground, opening eyes and hearts to the brutal, yet beautiful reality of the trans experience. In December, I sat down with Jasmine to talk about the album, its themes, and the impact her community has on her art.

Was it always the plan to have boygenius produce the album, or did you shop around for producers for a bit?

It was actually Phoebe’s idea! Lucy had always told me she wanted to produce my album, and then when Phoebe signed me, she said she wanted to produce it, and then they were like, ‘Why don’t we all just produce it?

From the outside, it looks like it all happened super fast; it was announced you were signed to Saddest Factory, then ‘Skin on Skin’ released, and then the album was announced; was it as fast behind the scenes?

It kind of was! I signed the contract the day after Boygenius played Kingston upon Thames. I opened for them, and it was the first time we’d all been in a room together. Then it was like, ‘We need to get you to LA.’ So, I booked the flight immediately. The label paid to fly my Manchester transsexuals to LA, and some trans musicians in LA helped out too, so we all made the album together. We added some more layers once we got back to Manchester, and then everything started coming out, and here we are! I’m very aware that my life is changing super-fast, so I’m trying to cling onto all the normalcy I have left.

When I saw that Vixen played on the album, my mind was blown; she plays guitar for Rina Sawayama and I’m a huge fan. How do you guys know each other, was that through the label?

I can’t remember if it was Lucy or Phoebe who knew Vixen; she’s a great guitarist, but an incredible bassist as well, so we got her in to play bass. We have a lot of footage of the boys and Vixen writing the bass parts together, and it was so incredible watching them all work together. They’re all incredible, but seeing how they all work individually and looking at the different things they contribute was really fucking cool.

What was the writing process like for the record?

All the songs were written and demoed as solo and acoustic; I’d taught my band the songs, but we hadn’t done many shows before we went to LA, so we arranged them in the studio together. Phoebe was laying the framework for how we recorded things; we recorded in the same studio she’d used for Punisher, so we naturally did things in a similar way. I was expecting it to be tense, or competitive, or for there to be some kind of conflict with so many cooks in the kitchen, but it was so fun. We were just hanging out, eating great food, and making great music!

It’s really crazy that you’ve gone this far. Especially because we’re mutuals and have mutual friends, I just find it super crazy that a Manchester doll has an album produced by Boygenius. I can’t get over it.

It’s fucking mad!

It’s a bridge between two worlds that I never expected.

I met the girls through transfem meetups in Manchester, and it was crazy to be like, ‘Hey, do you want to come to LA and record an album with Boygenius?’

It speaks a lot to the value of community; the chemistry between you and your band, and the way you talk about all the different aspects of community and what it does for you is really cool.

I’d definitely recommend coming to ‘Just Do the Thing’ in Manchester, they’re so cool. Each one is organised by a different doll; it’s very anarchist so you never really know what to expect!

Setting up your own meetups in Leeds would be a good shout too, just because there’s so many dolls in similar positions who want more transfem-centred stuff to happen.

Just to circle back to the album for a second, I’d like to talk a little bit about the title track. I assume the track came before the title was decided?

Yeah, it’s about my friend Han who stayed with me through my transition when most of my friends didn’t. I was sleeping on her floor when I didn’t have anywhere else to stay. It’s really a dedication to her.

But at the same time, it’s about the resilience of trans and queer people in the face of violence, which is a very pertinent thing. The memorial list for Trans Day of Remembrance this year was so fucking long. At the time I’d experienced a few violent hate crimes, and Han really helped me through that; it’s all about how my community got me to a point of being able to fight for myself and those around me, and transfem people’s potential to bring change in themselves, those around them and the world in general.

We’ve seen trans people change the world in so many ways this year, and that’s what ‘You Are the Morning’ means now. It’s a call to others to realise that they hold that power.

Your music does that to people, we’ve talked about it a little bit before. I remember speaking to you when you got signed to Saddest Factory, and it really reignited my faith in music and the idea of making it. I’ve never seen a trans girl, other than Ethel Cain, at the centre stage of indie music like this. I know you’ve not been around for long, but I’m really seeing the change.

Thank you, yeah. It’s been amazing seeing other dolls be like, ‘What the fuck? I didn’t know there were other girls out there, making music like me.’ It feels like that world has needed more representation for a long time, and I feel very lucky to be a part of that.

Of all the tracks on the album, I’m the most excited to hear ‘Guy Fawkes Tesco Dissociation’, I’ve heard it mentioned in a couple of interviews and I can’t wait.

I’m expecting it to resonate with a lot of people. I think it’s a very relatable experience, dissociating in Tesco!

Are there any other tracks on the album you’re excited for people to hear?

‘Highfield’, for sure. Of all the tracks, it’s the one that most directly addresses street harassment, and violence, and all the shit that we go through. It’s a present theme on the album, but in this song it’s really the subject. As such a visible advocate for trans rights now, it’s something that I want to bring up.

I bring it up a lot when we play live. It’s something that I think a lot of cis people just don’t think about, and how it affects us psychologically, and stops us from being ourselves on the street. It feels powerful having that song and having the boys there to support that.

It’s something that I don’t see talked about enough. All the conversation is about bathrooms. Who even cares about that?

Exactly, I can go to the bathroom with another girl and be in and out, and feel safe enough, but walking down the street anywhere is terrifying! There’s this background threat of violence that we always have as trans women, and I don’t think people realise that.

The conversation about bathrooms almost seems like a distraction; we’re being made out to be a threat when we’re the ones who are at risk? But I barely see anyone talking about the actual violence we face! I’d really like to centre that conversation in my music.

In terms of the music, what’s next after the album? Are you gonna take time to sit and write?

Oh, I’m writing all the time! I wrote a whole EP while I was in the studio recording the album, and I’d like some of those songs to be on the next album. I’m gonna be playing lots of live shows too.

Hopefully, I’ll be spending more time doing what I love; spending time with lots of lovely queer people and making music. I feel so lucky.

Written by Lucas Assagba

Review: Infinity Song’s Live at Leeds Debut

A slow burn is a hell of a thing. It’s one thing to be promised something, but something else entirely to be told you have to wait for it. When Infinity Song’s soundcheck ran into their Live at Leeds set by ten minutes, I was frustrated, as anyone would be, but I trusted their talent, and their ability to bring something to the table. I knew if I stuck around, the wait would be worth it.

Truth be told, ‘worth it’ doesn’t even begin to describe it. When they opened their set with a nine-minute cover of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Dreams’, my jaw dropped, and my expectations went sky high. The four siblings, Momo, Angel, Abraham and Israel, and their accompanying band, operate as one unit, effortlessly harmonising with one another and giving each other space to show off; whenever they’d take a step back to let Israel shred a guitar solo, my eyes and ears were wide open.

Though synchronized to an inhuman degree, Infinity Song are overwhelmingly human. They strike a perfect balance between a band of classically trained musicians with a job to do, and a family travelling the world together. Fan favourite ‘Haters Anthem’ saw them at their most fun, as they huddled together and chanted the song’s hilariously spiteful lyrics with the audience; ‘I love the way it feels to be a hater / something’s so sweet about thinking that I’m better.’

They ended their set with my personal favourite, ‘Slow Burn’, and that it was. Starting off slow and mellow, and eventually making their way to double time, the band took my breath away with this performance. Just when you thought they’d finished, one of the siblings would step forward for another riff, another run, another solo; it’s very easy for a band to overstay their welcome onstage, but they could still be playing right this second, and I’d still be stood in the crowd, singing and swaying along.

Infinity Song are a real talent. The Roc Nation signees have quickly propelled themselves into the stratosphere, and I’m so grateful they landed in Leeds for the day. Rock music has never been more back.

Words by Lucas Assagba

Review: Eszter Vida’s Live at Leeds Debut

‘You all look so defeated. Is it because you’re seeing me instead of English Teacher?’

Festival clashes are an ever-present evil. How could anyone choose between Beabadoobee and Jorja Smith, or between SZA and James Blake? I don’t doubt that rising star Eszter Vida was a little bit worried when she found out her Live at Leeds debut clashed with the Mercury Prize winning English Teacher, but where most people would crumble, she took it in stride. It’s an honour to call Eszter my friend, and my editor, and I can firmly say that even if my friendship, my career, and my life weren’t on the line, she would still be a highlight of my Live at Leeds experience.

I’ve had the privilege of seeing Eszter live a few times, but this set was her at her very best. Her band noticeably lacked a drummer, and while I expected her to pull through, I thought the set would hit a solid ceiling of momentum. Frankly, I’ve never been more wrong, and I’ve never been happier about it; the energy in the room was palpable as Eszter invited us into her world for a breathtaking thirty minutes. Her opener, ‘Kingdom’, was marvellously addictive, and since watching the set I’ve found myself singing the chorus over and over and over again; ‘What did I see in you?’ 

I always admire how different Eszter’s sets are to her recorded songs. Producer Evan Martin, who she’s dubbed as a ‘synth god’, joined her onstage, but their collaboration was far from uninteresting. Keeping a performance engaging is deceptively difficult, and while Eszter’s uniquely percussive lyrics were enough to draw me in and keep me there, I still found myself in awe of the sheer range of sounds produced by her band; balancing drum machines, synths, guitars and flutes is no easy feat, but from the way Eszter and her band jump from one soundscape to another, you’d think it was as easy as breathing.

Unreleased tune ‘Is This My Last Night With You? and closer ‘Ethereal’ were my personal highlights. It’s hard to bring energy to a crowd, but even harder to bring a performance from a boil to a steady simmer, and keep an audience captivated as you lay your emotions bare. Eszter seems to have mastered this, as I found my mind drifting around her lyrics like a planet to a star; ‘A basket of eggs smashed on the floor / I don’t want more / Let it all fall.’

Eszter Vida is one to watch. I don’t know where she’s going next, but I do know I’ll be seated in the front row, armed with endless praise and a glowing review. Big things are coming. 

Words by Lucas Assagba

Calico by Ryan Beatty: A Welcome Revisit

‘Driving with the headlights off, / ribbons running down your face, / but you’ve never known love like that, / so you dance the night away.’

In the first few seconds of Calico, Ryan Beatty paints us a picture. A picture of melancholy, of solitude. A picture almost as blue and as piercing as the clear sky behind him on the album’s cover. A pseudo-member of the now-retired hip-hop collective Brockhampton, Ryan is no stranger to emotional vulnerability. Having laid down vocals on songs like 2019’s ‘SUGAR’ and releasing two records of his own (2018’s Boy in Jeans and 2020’s Dreaming of David), he’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t like to keep his cards too close to his chest.

But on 2023’s Calico, he’s more honest than ever, painting a not-so-perfect portrait of love, maturity, and finding the comfort within the chaos of modern life. It slots itself perfectly into the ever-present indie-folk wave of the 2020s, and I’m frankly surprised that it isn’t treated with the same reverence as Phoebe Bridgers’s Punisher or Boygenius’s The Record (with all three projects featuring the subtle, yet cutting production of Ethan Gruska.)

Lead single ‘Ribbons’ bears the same cold clarity as a splash of water to the face after a rough night. It’s subdued, yet overwhelming; it’s a gentle whisper, but also a scream into the void. It tells a story of isolation, in all its parts, sculpting a snapshot of a life without love, for better or for worse. Is it for the better, to ignore the allure of a tender, loving life and to simply ‘be happy to be here at all’? Or will it end up being for the worse, as you’re ‘making faces / at the one who stares’ at you from the bottom of a glass?

Who’s to say? Not us, because the song ends before any conclusions can be drawn, and after a heavenly strings arrangement courtesy of Rob Moose (Bon Iver, Taylor Swift). It teeters on a resolution before meeting an abrupt end, just like a relationship that never quite made it.

Multiplicity is a common theme on Calico; Beatty explores the layers upon layers that make up life as a young adult, like on the aptly named ‘Multiple Endings’, where he wars with the feeling of ‘being used’ in a relationship; ‘I went through days / with multiple endings / just to get through.’ This multiplicity is also reflected in Beatty and Gruska’s production; ‘Cinnamon Bread’, a personal highlight, opens with a sequence of divinely layered guitars that seem to fill every corner of every room, every time I listen. Industry legend Shawn Everett (Beyoncé, Clairo) blesses the whole album with his affinity for mixing, and this shines through on ‘Cinnamon Bread’ the most. Every take of every instrument has its own identity, gathering like a symphony of pure emotion. This was the first song on the album I heard, and to this day, it ‘open[s] up,’ ‘close[s] me in,’ and ‘cut[s] me to the bone.’ It’s nothing short of heavenly.

Calico is remarkably candid from top to bottom, expertly encapsulating the feeling of huddling around a campfire, as I think all folk music should. Its production is quite barebones, with the presence of OTT synthesizers and effects being few and far between. However, on track 4, ‘Andromeda’, Gruska and Beatty pair the grounded and the otherworldly like bread and butter, setting a scene of serene exuberance with soft harmonies and softer synths that feel reminiscent of the Weyes Blood song of the same name. ‘What stops me from sending the call / in a midnight paranoia? / Hey, that’s love after all, isn’t it?’ Beatty seems to muse on every plane of existence as the air builds upon itself around him.

The album is short and sweet at nine tracks, wrapping up with the relentlessly optimistic ‘Little Faith’. Dread is a common theme in a lot of indie music lately, characterising the lowest of lows as nothing but. ‘Little Faith’ is different. Beatty sings about how he’s always hurting, his plants are dying, and everybody but him is getting their way; but still, the only way is up. The chorus sees him lulling himself out of oblivion, as he chants, ‘I don’t think I want to do this, / but I can’t give into my old ways. / So go on, honey, / hallelujah for a little faith.’ It’s a picture-perfect conclusion.

Calling Calico underrated would be gratuitous, but I do think there’s more to this record than people realise. It’s an album people hear in passing rather than something all-consuming; more of a quiet afternoon crush than a violent overnight rush, and that feels criminal. Every day since hearing this album, I’ve sang its praises, and all I can do is pray that one day, it becomes a bigger presence within the modern indie-folk canon, and that people connect with it as much as I do. Hallelujah for a little faith.

Words by Lucas Assagba

Album Review: All for Something by Tiny Habits

Written by Lucas Assagba. Edited by Millie Cain.

‘We say the same phrase at the same tempo, as we get out the back of a man’s Toyota.’
A dose of metafiction opens Tiny Habits’ debut album, All for Something.
Circling’ is a song the harmony trio sings together in the green room before
every show, described by vocalist Maya Rae as ‘the perfect song to start off the

This same metafiction is reflected in the album’s cover, a simple shot of the band
spinning in a circle; ‘everything’s circling around us, promising a lifetime of love.’
Novelty is the ever-present crux of any Tiny Habits song; that warm feeling you
get when you realise, you’re hearing something unlike anything ever made. The
band have been going strong since their formation at Berklee College of Music in
2022, and this novelty isn’t showing any sign of fading.

Maya describes track two as a ‘rock banger’; with cunning production courtesy of
Tony Berg and Will Maclellan (Boygenius, Taylor Swift), ‘People Always Change
sees the trio on an ever-cool indie-rock wave. With third single ‘I Don’t Have The
Heart’ bringing a similarly high energy; it’s almost satirically dance-able. As singer
Judah Mayowa muses, ‘Why does this feel like the upbeat? / Waiting to fall into a
groove again.’ Both songs are a refreshing turn away from their usual solemn,
folk-driven atmosphere.

All for Something isn’t starved of this atmosphere by any means, however. Tiny
Habits are at their best when they’re at their most candid. ‘Flicker’ was first
written by Judah while the band were on tour in 2023. After taking it to Maya, and
to Cinya Khan, the three transformed the song into something that feels at home
on a joint record, described by Judah as ‘one of our favs.’ A strong point of the
album for me, ‘Flicker’ contains some of its simplest, but most poignant words; ‘you like
keeping me around / ‘cause I’m easy to have.’

Songs like ‘Malleable’ are a reminder that, at their core, Tiny Habits are a group
of friends, sharing a connection and propping one another up, just as a harmony
serves a melody. Written by Cinya in the aftermath of a damaging relationship,
and ultimately driven by her, the song painfully asserts that ‘It’s just impractical /
to be a fraction of myself for you.’

Connection often serves as the driving force of the band and of the album,
whether that’s the connection between Judah, Maya, and Cinya, or between
them and their collaborators. Judah wrote ‘Planting Flowers’ with his best friend
and college roommate Stav McAllister (who featured the band on his own song, ‘Joker’), and ‘Broken’ was written by Maya and her cousin, Benjamin Millman (the
producer of their debut EP’s lead single, ‘Hemenway’).

Perhaps the most important connection is the one between artists and their
producers – and the sheer trust between Tiny Habits, Tony Berg and Will
Maclellan is palpable. Especially on ‘Small Enough’, a song with two distinct
versions. ‘This was the first song we worked on with Tony [Berg],’ Cinya said in
our interview, which you can read here. ‘We had our qualms with it, […] and it
stuck out in a really strange way. We thought it’d be nice to tweak it and make it
more seamless in terms of the record.’ Though I loved the single version, the
song on the album is streets ahead, and it feels so much more comfortable on
the record.

Penultimate track ‘Wishes’ was a highlight of mine; it was described by Maya as
‘one of the most special tracks we’ve ever created,’ and I’m inclined to agree.
Vulnerability and candidness run through every song on the album, but on
Wishes’ more than every other, and in that way, it feels emblematic of the entire

Any discussion of Tiny Habits would be insufficient without talking about their
heavenly harmonies, and they really shine through on ‘Wishes’; they harmonise
with themselves and with each other, playing with dissonance in a way only they
can. The trio opens the door on their deepest wishes and desires, singing them
to the sky as one tosses coins into a well. It’s my favourite song on the album,
though it leaves us on a thematic low point; ‘I wish these wishes / weren’t all for
nothing / all the time.’

But, as we’ve learned, Tiny Habits are ever optimistic. Final track ‘Salt and Sand
is the turning of a new leaf in musical form; ‘We both got what you asked for /
That’s just the way it is / I hope you can forget this.’ It brings the album back
down to Earth as the three repeat, ‘I lose myself in time’ in the refrain.

All for Something is a pure joy to experience. Whether they’re singing to an
audience of hundreds in a packed venue, or to an audience of screens in their
college dorm, Tiny Habits serve to remind us that no expression of emotion is in
vain. From the simplest observation to the grandest proclamation, it’s all for

Interview: Tiny Habits on Social Media, Folk Music, and the Art of Being Happy 

Written by Lucas Assagba. Edited by Millie Cain.

2023 was a year for trios. Boygenius made their big comeback; MUNA reached new heights; and with Tiny Habits’ debut EP releasing in April of that year, they proved that three is the magic number. On the aptly named Tiny Things, Judah Mayowa, Cinya Khan and Maya Rae cemented themselves as the future of folk, finding themselves part of Spotify’s ‘Juniper: Artists to Watch’ series. 

On May 24th, Tiny Habits released their debut album, All for Something; I caught up with the band two days before the album’s release, breaking down their key inspirations, creative processes, and more. 

One of the things that interested me about you guys is that you’re not the ‘traditional’ image of folk music; two of you are women, and two of you are people of colour. You intersect so many marginalised identities, but you’re thriving in the folk scene. Is this something that affects you, or something you think about when you make music? 

Judah: It’s on my mind almost every day, because most of the folk scene is white, but I think it’s awesome, especially because our fanbase and the people who come to our shows are really diverse. It’s very cool, but also a little scary. 

Cinya: It’s interesting to me that this is the first time that’s really been brought up in an interview! I feel like that’s because the music doesn’t really bring that up, as if it speaks for itself. I like the idea that it can be the fabric of who we are but not at the forefront. 

Yeah, that reminds me of Laufey, who you’ve collaborated with before – her song ‘Letter to My 13 Year Old Self’ is centred around race and gender, and what it’s like to be othered, but everything else is her just doing her own thing, I think it’s really cool you’re both doing that! 

Maya: Thanks! We love her! 

How do your collaborations generally come about? 

M: A lot of it happens through social media; that’s how we started out, just posting videos online, and it’s led to us collaborating with a lot of really cool people. Most of it is through Instagram and TikTok, like opening for Gracie Abrams and Noah Kahan. 

C: We actually met Kacey [Musgraves] in real life first; we played a show in New York where we were on the same bill as her, and we became friends.  

M: Social media is a very powerful tool! It has its pros and its cons, but it’s very powerful. 

So, the album comes out in two days! I’m reviewing it, and it’s all I’ve been listening to all day, I love it. When did everything start to fall into place? 

C: A lot of the songs have been around for a while, and we compiled them all together last summer. We flew out to LA to meet with Tony Berg, our producer, and that’s when it began! We had a couple of days with him, not recording anything, just singing the songs, and focusing on what the album needed to feel like a full body of work. We finished it in January, so it was a really long process. We were back and forth a lot 

M: We were touring in-between, so it was all recorded in different chunks, which was good. 

C: Yeah, it was helpful. 

M: Being able to sit with the music, and then come back to it and change things was really cool. 

I wanted to circle back to Tony Berg for a second; I’m a huge Boygenius fan, and I remember being excited when I saw his credit on ‘Small Enough’. How did your collaboration come about? 

M: It was our manager, Steve! He’s known Tony forever. Over the summer, we were shopping around for producers, and Tony came into the mix pretty early on. We had a conversation and pretty much said, ‘Let’s do it!’ and we made the whole record with him. 

This is your first time releasing music through your label, Mom+Pop. Is this a different experience to what you’re used to? 

M: It was interesting because we were making the record before getting the record deal; the reason why we chose them is because they’re so pro-artist, and all for creative liberty. It was an awesome experience! 

Why did you choose to call the album All for Something? 

C: It was the same way we named the band actually, just texting names back and forth. We went through so many names, one of them was A Little Bit Farther, the name of the tour. Humans Made This was another one. The end of our song ‘Wishes’ has a lyric that says, ‘I wish these wishes weren’t all for nothing,’ and I was like, ‘All for Something?’ Maybe everything we’ve done was necessary, all the hardships are for something, and that’s just what life is. It felt really fitting because the album’s themes circle around despair, and then hope. Or a hardship, and then a lesson learned. 

Contrasts and parallels are something I picked up on in your music, like how ‘Tiny Things’ and ‘Delay’ both talk about doing dishes; was that intentional? 

M: We had this question recently! There was no reason behind it, it just sounded nice. 

I’m sure as musicians you listen to a lot of music, what are you all listening to at the minute? 

J: The new Mk.gee record, Two Star & The Dream Police, is in my rotation a lot. 

C: We’re all listening to the new Flyte record, and I’ve been listening to a lot of Pine Grove. 

M: Deeper Well by Kacey Musgraves! 

C: Cowboy Carter too, that’s a bit more amped up. I’m usually in more of a chill mode, very tired and sleepy; we’re not really shaking ass! 

What were the key inspirations for the album? 

C: Leith Ross’s To Learn is up there, the first song on our album is very parallel to that. 

M: It’s all very Phoebe Bridgers-esc; naturally because Tony [Berg] worked on it with us, it’s very organic sounding. 

J: Ryan Beatty too, if you know who that is? 

Yes! I love him, ‘Cinnamon Bread’ is my favourite of his. 

C: Mason Stoops played guitar on that record, and he plays on ours too! Tony is so well connected and has such a historical mind for music: any time you’d have an idea, he’d have a song to show you. That sort of stuff inspired the album a lot; like, we’d listen to a Beach Boys song, and then put a Beach Boys-style harmony into a song. 

You’ve described ‘Mudroom’ as the perfect lead single for the album; what goes into the process of single selection? Is that fully in your hands? 

J: Yeah, it’s fully in our hands. ‘Small Enough’ was technically the first single, but we wanted to contrast that and show our gentle side. ‘Mudroom’ was the start of the album cycle, and we wanted to do something a little different. 

I wanted to talk about ’Small Enough’, because the album version is quite different to the single version. What made you want to go back and revisit it? 

C: That was the first song we worked on with Tony, and the turnaround was really fast because we had to put a single out. We had our qualms with it, and after we had the context of the other songs on the record, it stuck out in a really strange way. We thought it’d be nice to tweak it and make it more seamless in terms of the record. 

Maya, you mentioned earlier that you think social media has its pros and its cons, and I wanted to ask, as artists who got their ‘big break’ through social media, what do you think of how it’s affecting the music industry? 

M: That’s a loaded question, we talk about this a lot! 

C: It’s really cool for people to have access to so many different artists all the time, like on TikTok, but it makes things really difficult for artists to stand out because of how oversaturated everything is, and how many people are doing really similar things to you. The silver lining is the connections you can make with other people, and how easily you can find a fanbase. 

Do you guys have a big goal in mind? Whether that’s a collaboration, an award, anything! 

C: I want to buy a house, that’d be nice!

M: A Grammy would be nice too! Even to go to the Grammys would be cool. Ultimately, and I feel like I say this for all of us, being able to live comfortably, and support the people we love, while doing what we love, is the ultimate goal. Seeing the world, loving each other and everyone else in our lives, and being happy! That’s the dream! 

Tiny Things by Tiny Habits

Written by Lucas Assagba
Edited by Eve Moat

Maya Rae, Cinya Khan and Judah Mayowa are Tiny Habits, a Boston folk-pop trio known for their lush harmonies. They’ve been active since 2022, garnering praise from the likes of Phoebe Bridgers and Elton John for their cozy covers on the stairwell of their dorm. In April, they released their debut EP, Tiny Things and I gave it a listen as part of my Autumn rotation. 

The title track serves as a picture-perfect introduction into the world of Tiny Habits. Vibrant and optimistic, yet still as chilled and velvety as ever, the song opens with a signature three-part harmony. The bridge of this song is a highlight of the project, setting the scene for what’s to come.  

Track two is the anti-Tiny Things in a sense: while still encompassed by the group’s signature warm sound, ‘Delay’ revolves around the immediate aftermath of a relationship, drawing parallels between itself and the cosiness of Tiny Things. “Standin’ in your kitchen / Counting all the tiles on your floor / While you do the dishes,” and its own lethargic dread “I was fine doing dishes / with my headphones on” perfectly addresses this.

‘One More’ features some of the most creative production on the record, courtesy of Philip Etherington (Laufey, Lizzy McAlpine). While the lyrics are simpler and not as central as in the other tracks, they’re still as hard hitting as ever: “I’ll keep this space for whoever comes my way / but I just wish it could’ve been you.” ‘One More’ sees the trio at their most synchronised, effortlessly harmonising as if they were one.  

Track four is my personal favourite because while every other track was produced by Etherington, Benjamin Millman takes the reins on ‘Hemenway’, a heart-wrenching tale of emotional distance peppered with odes to Boston. The trio longs to “Go back” in the chorus, which serves as a confession to a lost love, but in the process “On Hemenway, I let you down.” 

The trio goes back to their roots with a cover of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Landslide’ on track five, with Stevie Nicks’ poignant lyrics aligning with Tiny Habits’ original songs perfectly, with the trio capturing her fear of “changing / ‘cause I’ve built my life around you.” Even though they didn’t write the song, they make it their own, and it finds its home within the EP’s journey. 

‘Some Things (I’ve Learned)’ is a refreshing change of form, and serves as a satisfying conclusion to the record. Judah, Cinya and Maya join the song one at a time (similar to Boygenius’ ‘Cool About It’), creating an atmosphere of acceptance and catharsis on what might be the EP’s most intimate track: “If I’m gonna repair anything / Then it sure as hell should be myself.”

As a group who rose to prominence through their renditions of other people’s songs, little had been seen of Tiny Habits’ songwriting talents. However, Tiny Things does a wonderful job of showcasing them as a lyrical powerhouse, while still allowing their heavenly vocals to take centre stage.