“We Need More Venues [Like The Leadmill]”: An Interview with The Pigeon Detectives

Written and Edited by Eve Moat
Interview Questions by Eve Moat
Photography by Eve Moat

Big, small, local or worldwide? I caught up with the immense Leeds band The Pigeon Detectives at Tramlines Festival 2024 to talk about festival crowds, grassroots venues, and how it feels to have your music played in your local pub…

Answers by Dave Best (bass and backing vocals) and Ryan Wilson (guitar).

I saw you at Y Not Festival last year and you were moved from a tent to the main stage. The crowd was the biggest I had seen the whole weekend. How did it feel to have that kind of crowd response?

Dave: Oh it’s amazing. The same thing happened yesterday actually. We were at Truck Festival down in Oxfordshire. We were supposed to be doing a smaller one, then they moved us up to main stage. Yeah, when you’ve been doing it this long you don’t know what reception you’re gonna get or how many people are gonna turn up, or if people even know you still exist, but when we got out there, the crowd were absolutely amazing and its a brilliant feeling. If the crowd’s there, we know we’ll be able to win them over at a festival. We love it.

Ryan: The band formed back in 2004 and the first album was 2007, so having people still enjoying the music now is really good. It’s weird ‘cos you don’t really know what to expect sometimes. We live in our own bubble in a way. We released an album last year and it actually did well. It charted in the top 40, and its our best selling album since the one in 2010. You stop and think, “oh so people actually like us”. Getting bumped up from a tent ‘cos the demand was so high, I think the promoters need to put their ear to the ground a little bit more. In a couple years time, it’ll be 20 years since our first album, which is a long, long time. If I had a child 20 years ago, it’d be a full on adult, it’s mad. We’re quite humbled by it and I think at this stage of our careers, we appreciate it more.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

That’s great to hear! As a paper from Leeds, as you are yourselves, our readers would love to know how Leeds has influenced you over the years. Does your music still connect to the city or do your influences have changed?

Dave: Well we all live in Leeds and the music revolves around our shared life experience. Leeds has influenced everything we’ve done, ‘cos we’re from the city, we still live in the city, we love the city. The first album was written about debauched nights in the city. the last few albums were not exactly that sort of thing but we were still influenced by our environment. We love Leeds. We go to the Leeds football. Go watch local Leeds bands, and the scene’s always flourishing. We were never one of them bands that wanted to migrate down to London. We’re too tight northerners to go pay for the price of beer down there.

Ryan: No, we don’t wanna pay the price of a pint in London. Leeds is a really cool sort of city. Its our forever home is Leeds.

In terms of your lyrics, your songs have some very striking and memorable lyrics. How do you come up with these? What process makes for a hit track?

Dave: I don’t think there is a process that would definitely make a hit track. You never know what’s gonna land lyrically. If a listener can hear themself in a track, that’s always good ‘cos they relate to it more. A catchy lyric’s really important. Ollie, who writes most of our stuff, he’s got a really good eye and ear from melody and lyrics. For someone who’s quite antisocial, he makes quite widespread lyrics [laughs].

Ryan: The process is never, “oh I need to write about this subject to make this song cool or relevant”. A lot of lyrics are quite split between Matt and Ollie. Ollie will start the lyric and Matt will finish it. Matt therefore will interpret it in his way. The songs can then sometimes go in a slightly different direction to what Ollie probably first thought. Makes it quite unique two people working on it like that. Nothing is pre-empted. Just go with the flow really.

That’s interesting to know, ‘cos when you listen to a song you don’t think its disjointed or as if two people have written it. It all seems to flow together.

Band: Yeah.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

I know many of our readers will have heard your music at Leeds club nights, namely Indie Thursdays at the Leeds O2 Academy. Have you ever heard your music played at a club night? How does it feel to know that people listen to your music up and down the country and even worldwide?

Ryan: Yeah we’ve definitely heard it a lot. Depends how many beers we’ve had to how we react. A lot of beers we might be dancing. If we haven’t, we kind of step away to the side. Obviously it’s really nice. We’ve known a few people over the years who’ve run club nights, and we’re friends with them. We also know a lot of DJs in Leeds and they say our songs always go down well. Even some of our newer music is enjoyed by the crowds at those nights ‘cos we’ve not moved away from indie music so they work in those indie club nights and indie environments. It is nice to hear your own songs. Bit weird at first but 15-17 years later you get used to it.

Dave: Yeah it’s funny when you go into a local pub and sometimes they’ll purposefully play songs ‘cos they know you’ve come in [laughter]. Like you go grab a beer and you hear one of your songs come on. We get that all the time when we go to The Coach. I think everyone from our town is really proud of us, so its nice to know that.

How did you deal with that at first? When did it stop being weird?

Ryan: I think one of the first of our songs that I heard played was one of the early singles and Steve Lamacq played it on his evening radio show. He’s a great guy. We were all in a car coming back from a rehearsal session and it was so surreal hearing that. It was really special. It is still nice to hear our tracks back now.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Who are you most looking forward to seeing today and why?

Dave: I wanna see a bit of Yard Act. I’m old these days so I don’t get to go to many gigs so festivals are always a really good excuse to catch bands you’ve hear a lot about but not managed to see. They’re from Leeds as well so go and support them. Excited to seeing them, I’ve heard they’re really good. My mum really wants to see Snow Patrol so I’ll take her to see them too.

Ryan: I saw a bit of Yard Act yesterday at Truck, so I kinda got my fix last night. I’d quite like to catch The Human League, but we clash with them. 86TVs would be great to see. Felix, their frontman, used to be in The Maccabees, and we did a lot with them over the years. I even told him, “I was really sad when you guys split up”, so it would be nice to catch his new band.

Dave: They’re on now, so I think you’ve missed them.

Ryan: Okay, so I won’t be seeing them [laughs]. Maybe another time.

Eve: They’re on The Leadmill Stage.

Dave: Yeah, its quite close to here.

Ryan: Okay, so I might be able to run over and catch the last few songs. Maximo Park are a great band too, and they were good earlier.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Finally, what is your favourite thing about Sheffield?

Dave: The Leadmill. We love it. We’ve played it since we first started playing gigs and the people there have always looked after us. The atmosphere in there is always amazing. If we can, we’ll always go back to The Leadmill. I know that there’s talk of a takeover and stuff recently, but they’ve always been so good to us. They took up a section of the floor to replace it and they gave us and engraved section of the floor ‘cos we’ve played it so much. Every time we come and play The Leadmill it is always a special occasion.

Ryan: Them venues are a dying breed unfortunately. They are what help the grassroots bands come through and I know they’re fighting to survive at the moment and I hope that they do. We need more venues like them, and they’re the best thing for music in Sheffield in my opinion.

I think that’s a great point to end on, so thank you for speaking to me and good luck with the set later. I’ll be watching on from the crowd.

Band: Cheers. Thank you!

Thank you very much to Ryan and Dave of The Pigeon Detectives, and we wish you another happy 20 years of music making, and many more to come!

“Focus on Your Local Scene”: Advice during an Interview with English Teacher

Written and Edited by Eve Moat
Interview Questions by Eve Moat
Photography by Eve Moat

Breaking onto the music scene just like they’ve ‘Broken Biscuits’, English Teacher tell all about Leeds, the future and their newest album This Could Be Texas.

Eve: Welcome back to The Gryphon’s coverage of Tramlines 2024. I’m here with English Teacher. Do you each want to introduce yourselves?

Band: Hi, I’m Douglas. I’m Lewis. I’m Lily. I’m Nick.

Eve: Lovely to speak to you all.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Our readers at The Gryphon would love to hear more about your influences from the Leeds and West Yorkshire local area. How does where you are from affect your music? And how do you focus your music towards your listeners?

Lily: Well you moved to Leeds for the music didn’t you?

Lewis: Yeah, I mean, the Leeds music scene has always been pretty thriving. Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I picked Leeds, ‘cos a lot of the bands at the time I was really into, like around 2015/16, like Hookworms, loads of those type of bands. It has always been a very thriving music scene.

Nick: Yeah [laughter ensues]

Lily: I mean, I dunno who I’m inspired by in terms of who’s there now, but I like a lot of bands there now. I can’t think on the spot.

Lewis: I suppose a lot of the local bands that we like, in a way, subconsciously, inspire us even if we don’t realise.

Lily: Agree.

Eve: I suppose a lot of the time, the hubs of music get put as like Manchester or London, but places like Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield have a lot going for them as well, so coming out of there shows that you don’t have to be in Manchester or London.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

As I said prior to this interview, I attended your independent venues day set in Hebden Bridge. How does playing in a small intimate venue compare to a festival of this size?

Lewis: I guess we’ll find out.

Lily: It is two different beasts, isn’t it? Playing a show where it’s just you, you know that everyone there is gonna like your music. Whereas people at a festival, people might just be coming to see you for the first time, or, you know, they’ve heard about you from a friend, ‘cos they’re going or whatever. Sometimes I think it’s more nerve-wracking.

Douglas: It is definitely more anxiety-inducing. It’s a bit more like the unknown. You don’t really know who’s gonna be there and who isn’t.

Nick: Like you said, at Hebden Bridge, people are there just to see us.

Ok cool. I wanted to ask: how do you curate such a unique sound? When I listen to your music, I don’t think you would fit into a box or a genre specifically. So, what’s the “magic ingredient”?

Lewis: I mean that’s really nice.

Lily: That’s really nice.

Lewis: So thank you.

Eve: You’re welcome.

Lewis: What is the magic ingredient?

Nick: Not really knowing ourselves.

Lily: Yeah probably.

Douglas: Yeah, just chucking shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. We know about as much as you! [laughter from all]

Nick: A lot of when we record is voice recordings like this. For me, it’s all based on intuition. It is not very cerebral. It is just what comes out of these hands. Isn’t that nice? [Lily laughs]

So just kind of seeing what fits together the best?

Band: Yeah.

Lewis: Very rarely come out and say “right, this is what we’re gonna do”, and kinda like lay it out.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

What’s next for English Teacher? You have been announced to be up for the Mercury Prize, congratulations by the way.

Band: Thank you!

How does this change your future trajectory or any future plans? Or is this like another string to your bow?

Douglas: Definitely another string to our bow. I feel like it’s too early to tell how it will change our trajectory, but it can only be a good thing. Yeah, we’re just touring. Touring a lot. Then working on album two. Doing the same old thing.

Lily: Trying to get that second Mercury nomination


How do you think the first album has been received? Has it gone well?

Douglas: Weirdly well. Exceeded any kind of expectations on how it could’ve gone. Did not expect that.

Nick: The ball is still very much rolling.

Lily: Several months later. What, it was April we put it out, now it’s, I don’t even know, July, and it still feels like it came out yesterday, and we’re still deep in the release of it, which is a good thing. Its not faded away too quickly.

Nice! What advice would you give to up-and-coming artists, especially those in the north, or those who aren’t in large hubs such as cities like Manchester or London?

Lewis: I’d say don’t stress too much about having to go to London. Focus on your own local scene. be involved building that up.

Lily: Yeah, that’s good advice. Definitely.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Thank you for speaking to me.

Band: No, thanks for having us!

Here at The Gryphon, all of our fingers are crossed for that win at the Mercury Prize: Album of the Year Awards in the next few days!

“We Love The Brudenell”: An Interview with The Everly Pregnant Brothers

Written and Edited by Eve Moat
Interview Questions by Eve Moat
Photography by Eve Moat

Sheffield icons The Everly Pregnant Brothers have a heartfelt chat, full of laughter and jokes, just like always…

Answers by Pete McKee (ukulele, backing vocals and keys), Kieran Wardle (lead vocals) and Simon Williams (bass).

Eve: Hello, welcome back to The Gryphon’s coverage of Tramlines 2024 and I’m here with The Everly Pregnant Brothers.

Band: Woooo!

Eve: Would you like to all introduce yourselves?

Kieran: Hi. My name is Kieran.

Simon: I’m Simon.

Pete: And I’m Pete.

I’m going to ask you a few questions. I won’t take up too much of your time. Now that you have yourself as the new lead vocalist, how has this changed the band’s sound? How has the music shifted, or has it remained the same? And what has the public response been like?

Kieran: I’m gonna go backwards in the questions answers. I think the public response has been very kind to me as the new singer. Obviously, Shaun left such an imprint on the public psyche and the sound of the band. So, I aim to do something, keep true to the spirit of the band, but also leave my own stamp, ‘cos I can’t be someone else, and I’m sure he couldn’t be either. I’d say that ‘cos I am in the eye of the storm I couldn’t possibly say what the band sounds like now unless as someone else on the outside looking in. I don’t know. Pete might be able to tell you.

Pete: The muscle of the band, the energy of the band is the same in the sense. The dynamism is now coming from Kieran rather than Shaun, and like you say he’s put his own stamp on it. We’ve kept probably 80% of the set the same, and we’ve got new songs, loads of new songs we’re writing at the moment. We got Simon who’s the new bass player as well, who’s joined us one year ago pretty much today in a sense wasn’t it?

Simon: First big gig, was Tramlines this time last year yeah.

Pete: And he’s added another dynamic, as Johnny our old bass player, he was brilliant, but he came from like a rockabilly double-bass background. Whereas, Simon’s a funk bass player, so the sound’s changed in that way as well. And we’ve got so many new songs, that we may morph into something else. Obviously, still parody band, but it’s finding songs that suit Kieran’s voice as much as the songs that suited Shaun. We played songs that Shaun liked, probably find songs that Kieran likes in his register, and that’s how it’ll change, but we’re really enjoying ourselves. It’s fantastic to have Kieran lead singing with us because he’s given us a lot of energy and hope, because we didn’t know we could carry on without Shaun, but Kieran stepped in and he’s doing a fantastic job and there’s a great bright future for the brothers.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

That’s really good! In relation to our outreach, many of our readers are a young adult audience, as we’re The Gryphon up in Leeds. We’re the University of Leeds paper.

All: Oh you must love us! [deep laughter from all parties]

I wanted to ask, how do you ensure your music appeals to an audience of all ages?

Pete: Do you want to answer a question here Simon?

Simon: Oh thanks [laughter all round]. We pick songs from all different eras and they’re all very well known songs, so hopefully its got that broad appeal.

Pete: The kids loving the yacht rock, they love it too. They love old music ‘cos their parents have brought them up on it. Older music, not old music, and that’s kind of our middle genre. I don’t see us doing any Taylor Swift any day soon [laughs] or anything like that or anything newer, but we’re always looking for that great hook line that would make a great parody. So where it comes from, this year or fifty years ago, it doesn’t matter to us, as long as the hook line is funny and we can see people enjoying it. You cast a vision forward don’t you and say, “will fans like this?”. What’d you think?

Kieran: I think what this band is all about is, sounds pretentious, but its entertainment. Like people get the humour regardless of what song or what era its come from. Its all about what people can relate to, ‘cos the thing about music is that its an infinite language someone can relate to and someone else can’t relate to at all in terms of the same. I just think that especially these days that if we can do a job where we can help people forget any dreary element of their lives for half an hour or an hour, then we’re winning aren’t we. That’s what’s important. Its about entertainment.

Pete: That’s it. We’re very much like a bread and circus band. The lowest common denominator for people to have a good time is to forget all the worries. We know our place in the roster of the world of music, but we’re happy with that. We’re comfortable. Its just fun. If we’re enjoying it, and everyone outside of us is enjoying it, then it’s winner winner chicken dinner.

So it’s all about relating to people through your lyrics and through the humour itself?

Pete: Indeed yeah. That’s right. You’ve got to try and pick on the zeitgeist of what people want. Like, we’re currently writing a song about air fryers, [laughter] ‘cos it’s making people go, “ah yeah, I relate to that song”.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Kind of like with ‘Dodgy Box’, with the Amazon sticks.

All: Yeah exactly.

Pete: So we’re getting into modern technology with our band.

Kieran: Where’s it stop? Are we gonna start singing about Brevilles next?

Pete: Might have to sing about robots and AI though.

Kieran: That’s the next one, innit.

Simon: Ai, AI, O. [laughter]

It was reported that you were formed on a drunken dare from yourself and Richard Bailey?

Pete: That’s right, yeah. I’d actually seen Jools Holland, and back then there was a ukulele orchestra or Great Britain, and they played Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’, and I thought “that’s absolutely amazing”. I’d got a ukulele, and I’d got it as an ornament more than anything. I didn’t actually know you could use them as an instrument [rest of the band hysterically laugh]. I just thought it was this like joke thing. So, I convinced my mate Bales to buy one same as me, they were only like ten twenty quid. We played it, and I said “let’s do somet with these. Play a gig or somet.” It was just like a joke. We did it as a dare. We played this one like charity party thing and played Slade’s ‘Merry Christmas’. Then somebody caught wind that I’d doen this, and they asked me to do another gig. Long story short, we’ve ended up playing Tramlines Main Stage for the past six years. It’s amazing.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

So do you regret making that dare or has it been the best thing?

Pete: No no! It has been one of the most joyous things in my life. Woody Allen, a very famous film director, he plays clarinet in a little jazz club and that’s his escape. Its his release from his day to day, and that’s what I wanted it to be for me. For me to play ukulele with me mate and just have fun with it. It just got bigger, but its still the same fun. It’s fantastic.

One final question: how does it feel to be considered one of Sheffield’s heroes?

Simon: Brilliant.

Kieran: I’ve not even considered the notion. ‘Cos I’m so fresh in. [laughter] Maybe I’m just a sidekick like Robin. [more laughter] Or an Aquaboy, if you know your DC. Come back next year and I’ll tell you how I feel about that.

I might take you up on that!

Pete: Really though, it’s overwhelming. We don’t take it for granted. Like today, we’re worried if anyone will turn up to listen to us and we were delightfully surprised that loads of people rammed it out. It’s so joyous and may it continue.

Thank you so much for speaking to me!

Pete: Thank you, its been great. And we love The Brudenell. It is one of the best live venues. We played there once and we’d love to play there again soon hopefully.

I will look out for that!

Here at The Gryphon, we can’t wait for that second Brudenell gig from the brothers!

Crank Wave x Charlie XCX: An Interview with Lime Garden

Written and Edited by Eve Moat
Interview Questions by Eve Moat
Photography by Eve Moat

Ever wondered what an upcoming band would say in an interview? Ever wondered what a unique genre like wonk pop is? Wonder no more! Lime Garden are here to tell all…

Answers by Annabel Whittle (drums)

Eve: Welcome back to The Gryphon’s coverage of Tramlines Festival 2024! Firstly, English Teacher told me to tell you they say hello! 

Annabel: Omg hey!!

Firstly, as Music Editor for The Gryphon, I was able to acquire a ticket for one of our writers for your Brudenell Social Club show. After doing so, I began listening to your music and wished I had kept the ticket for myself! How was that show? What did I miss out on? Can you recall some interesting snippets from that event? 

Ohh, we love The Brudenell! That was a great show – Leeds crowds are always so fun to play to. I remember someone made us bracelets and necklaces and gave them to us after the show which was so sweet. We 🩷 Leeds

Image Credit: Eve Moat

That’s so cute! As an all female indie rock band, how do you feel you are breaking down barriers for other women in music? How important is it for young girls to have role models that they relate to, like yourselves? 

We often say that our goal is to be recognized as a band first, not just a “female band”. There’s a tendency to expect female bands to fit into a specific niche or to feel pressured to adopt a particular image, whereas male bands can rock up on stage in jeans and a t-shirt and no one asks any questions. The expectation to have a particular image can sometimes be super stressful. I think as a group we are just trying to show that you don’t need to have to do that to be a girl in a band. Inspiring younger girls to pick up instruments and be the inspirations we never really had when we were younger is amazing, and definitely a big driving force for us. 

It is so nice to hear that you don’t want to be put into a box per say and want to provide role models for younger female generations. Moving more towards your specific sound as a band, you have previously described your music as “wonk pop”, can you explain what this means? 

If crank wave had a child with charlie xcx.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

What a great mashup! In terms of your roots, you guys are originally from Guildford and Brighton. How does performing in places like Sheffield and Leeds compare to your nearest city London and smaller places like Guildford? Is the response or the audience different? Or do all your listeners have a shared similarity? 

Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester are always a good crowd, and we always have a good time playing there. I think London will always be special as we often play our biggest shows there, and last time we even had people travel from Europe to see us there! There’s often a bit of crowd surfing and rowdiness in all of those cities, which we love. 

Awesome! Ok, a few quick fire questions now. Who would your dream collaboration be with? 

I think each member of the band might answer this differently, but I think collectively, collaborating with someone like Caroline Polachek would be a dream. She’s a huge inspiration for us. We saw her play once and she dedicated the song to the moon. Iconic. 

Finally, what’s next for Lime Garden? What’s the dream? 

The dream is obviously Wembley arena. But what’s next immediately… Going to tour America for the first time, a very special London show at the end of the year and new music…

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Thank you to Lime Garden for taking the time to speak to The Gryphon. We hope that Wembley call up comes quicker than we can ever imagine!

Tramlines 2024: “You Know, Sheffield is One of My Favourite Cities”

Written and Edited by Eve Moat
Photography by Eve Moat

What a weekend! Tramlines Festival in Sheffield landed on the beautifully sunny final weekend of July, and lived up to its reputation via its star-studded line up and electric atmosphere. Featuring headliners Paolo Nutini, Jamie T and Snow Patrol, alongside many more musicians, big and small, local and far-and-wide, Tramlines 2024 was nothing short of wonderful.

Personally, I started the Friday afternoon by going to see up-and-comer Bethany Grace, who secured her slot in the festival’s line-up by winning the public vote, and happens to be my friend from school. With my more of my friends playing in her band (Adam on bass, and Alex on guitar), as well as Toby on drums, the whole performance was so much more meaningful to me. Seeing how they have all grown since we were 11 years old is fantastic, and they have all come so far and deserve immense success. I cannot wait to see where they all go from here!

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Next, I moved to go and photograph Bombay Bicycle Club, who were amazing as always and got the crowd bouncing. I guess you could say they are Always Like This.

Paolo Nutini brought the evening to a close, playing a full two hour set, which can only be praised. Having an amazing group of friends surrounding me made this experience even more incredible, and I am sure that other audience members would agree that the set felt better when with the right people. Nevertheless, Nutini had a jam-packed set filled with all different styles and created different atmospheres with each new song. I personally enjoyed his live version of ‘New Shoes’ as he gave it a new flare, despite the mixed reviews this received as some onlookers hoped for the studio-style version.

Day 2 brought many indie icons and I started my day watching the Everly Pregnant Brothers, A.K.A. Tramlines’ special guests and one of Sheffield’s musical heroes. For those new to their music, they are a parody band playing hits with their lyrics changed to be sang in the Yorkshire accent and dialect, as well as the content relating to issues affecting the north. This was followed up by me interviewing three members of the band including Pete McKee, one of the band’s founders. Interview coverage to follow.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

After interviewing the band members, I managed to watch and photograph Leeds and West Yorkshire originated band English Teacher. They looked striking and sounded electrifying whilst also retaining their signature melodic and mellow sound. Calm and collected merged with hard-hitting lyrics and crashing high hats.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Over on The Library Stage, supported by Tramlines’ Pattern and Push initiative, hip-hop and RnB artist Lavelle was cooking up a storm, with many of the crowd screaming for more, photographers going mad for a snap of the up-and-comer, and her backing dancers bringing the energy to the sunny tent. The crowd were bouncing and hanging on her every word. To top it all off, she is Sheffield-based and everyone watching wanted her to succeed even more because she is local and champions the local music scene.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

One of my favourite performers, for his facial expressions, energy and warm-hearted nature, was Tom Grennan. He remarked, “you know, Sheffield is one of my favourite cities”, and went on to explain how much the people of Sheffield care, the warm welcome he receives and how we’re a little crazy but put our all into festival attendance and the music we cherish. In relation to that, when he introduced the track ‘Here’, he explained that “if it was dark, I’d put a light up and that represents that person you are thinking of” to show how your friends and family are always there for you. This really showed how connected he was to the audience. My personal favourite moment was when he first arrived on stage and saw a crowd member’s sign saying ‘GILLETTE, THE BEST A MAN CAN GET’, to which he responded by singing the same line and in turn missed his que for the following song as he was so thrown off and busy laughing at the hilarious banner. Another hysterical moment was when he remarked, “I need a haircut, ‘cos my hair is in my eyes” completely randomly and unprovoked (other than that his hair was probably entering his eyes).

Image Credit: Eve Moat

To round off my Saturday, I decided to watch Holly Humberstone’s full set after photographing her first few tracks. Despite my disappointment at the lack of ‘Sleep Tight’ within the set, my mind was opened to so many other brilliant songs that I hadn’t discovered previously. To share a secret, I haven’t been able to stop listening to them and they now live in my head rent free. Some of these tracks include ‘Dive’, ‘The Walls Are Way Too Thin’ and ‘Falling Asleep at the Wheel’. Humberstone’s lyrics really moved me and struck deep as I related to her words like they were about my own experiences. For example, “Just for a second your talking, but I’m just pretending you have my attention” from the aforementioned ‘Falling Asleep at the Wheel’ doesn’t just sound beautiful when sung with breathy tones and the rise and fall of the song’s melody, but takes my breath away and causes a heart-wrenching feeling in my chest especially if I myself sing it due to how much I relate to this line. I connect with these lyrics, not because of my boredom in past relationships, but the other person causing my brain to have so much to think about that I didn’t have the capacity to be paying attention to what they were saying in the moment. “Come on and wake me up” reminds me of my friends having to open my eyes to reality when I had fallen asleep at the wheel. Humberstone therefore shows through her lyrics that people interpret these fragments of language in different ways and can be helped and healed by their different connotations. I had no idea how much I would enjoy (and needed to hear) her set, but I am so glad I managed to catch it (and on camera too).

Image Credit: Eve Moat

The final day was packed with artists of different genres and eras, bringing in a wide variety of festival goers of all different ages and musical likes. Lime Garden brought a grungy-feel to their set, with the crowd being intrigued by their unique sound. ’90s to early ’00s style sunglasses adorned by lead singer Chloe Howard and drummer Annabel Whittle gave the piece a futuristic aesthetic whilst reminding people of a style from a few decades ago. That same day was their guitarist Leila Deeley’s birthday, and she looked very into the music and into her chords. As did Tippi Morgan (bass), with green lights all round and a spotlight brightening herself and her bass. All round, the crowd loved them and they should be proud of the performance as it looked and sounded great.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Example created an example for hip-hop, house and EDM artists at Tramlines 2024, playing hits from throughout his career in the British sunshine. Of course, everyone was jumping, including Example, who had to dry off with a towel not long into his set. This provided for a change in pace on the Main Stage, and fit the vibe as the sun had come out.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Briefly seeing the Sheffield-originated band The Human League, with frontman Phil Oakey remarking, “I used to live on that road just over there” when he lived in Hillsborough. It was like they were coming home, and choruses of “don’t you want me baby” made sure the band knew that. They were followed by Snow Patrol, both of which were enjoyed by the masses.

To finish off the weekend, Leeds local band Yard Act took to the stage and wowed with new material that’s fresher and more different than ever. The performance shone with their backing vocalists and dancers, who were dressed in trench coats, just like the band’s song. Here at The Gryphon we love Yard Act as our local band who we’ve covered since they started out. This performance truly showed why they’ve shot to success the way they have. We can’t wait to see what they do next!

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Tramlines 2024 was a major success! Roll on Tramlines 2025!

Tramlines Festival: One of the UK’s Longest Running Festivals is Back Tomorrow!

Written and Edited by Eve Moat

The Sheffield Festival is back in Hillsborough Park from tomorrow, with a cracking line-up, from up-and-comers to headliners, artists new and older, with some from far and wide, and others hailing from the city itself.

I have many memories of the festival over the years. As I have grown up, the festival has too, as outlined below in my written coming of age story.

“As a kid growing up in Sheffield, I started going to Tramlines Festival at the age of 6. I went with my parents and I remember when Tramlines was in the centre of Sheffield and the main stage was on the small but electric Devonshire Green. We saw Reverend and the Makers on the Friday night and I somehow remember having a light up wristband. Tramlines was incredible when I was younger. I loved the community spirit, the local bands, up-coming artists and the atmosphere of my longest-attended festival. Tramlines has evolved a lot over the years and I like to think of Tramlines’ evolution as a mirror of my evolution as a person, as I’ve grown up with my music tastes changing and different things happening in my life, just like how Tramlines has changed. The Fringe at Tramlines in Sheffield City Centre still reminds me of Tramlines back in 2009 and I love that it lives on. However, Tramlines now in Hillsborough Park is more than anyone could have dreamed it to become: a full evolution. It is almost like all the instalments of Tramlines that I attended as a child were leading up to the year I turned 18 which I associate as a turning point in my life in relation to my music taste.

2021 was the year I turned 18 and was the first year I worked the bar at Tramlines. I chose this year as it was a turning point in my life, musically and lifestyle-wise – the beginning of a new chapter (leaving home, going to university). Also, I loved the music that year, the atmosphere was electric, and I met some amazing people and made great friends. I saw some of my friends there. It also led to me working 3 Tramlines in a row because I loved it so much. It was my first festival I worked at, so it felt like I was growing up. It was a new chapter in my life. I was becoming an adult, gaining self-sufficiency, but whilst doing something I enjoy – seeing live music.

In terms of music, I chose this year because many indie and up-and-coming artists played, making me realise my love of indie music. Artists that included The Fratellis, The Kooks, The Streets, DMAs, Jake Bugg, Pigeon Detectives, Blossoms, Vistas, Bloxx, Baby Queen, Holly Humberstone, the list goes on. Indie music truly shone that year at Tramlines, and my love for the genre grew.

I went to university in 2021 after this Tramlines, and my love for indie music and the scene continued its exponential growth. I co-hosted the Indie and Alternative hour on Leeds Student Radio the same year, and found one of my now closest mates on the show who shares my love for indie music and we became regulars at the O2 Academy Leeds’ Indie Thursdays club night, where I made even more indie-loving friends. Without Tramlines 2021, I may have never found my people at university who loved this music the way I do and I owe a lot to that Tramlines. I’ve seen many of the artists I saw at Tramlines 2021 multiple times now, and without seeing these artists, I wouldn’t have found other indie or up-and-coming artists due to them having them as support acts, supporting them in other ways (such as production) or simply them being similar and me finding them via recommendations, Spotify (discover or suggestions) or by chance. Many of these other artists I have had the pleasure of reviewing and writing about for The Gryphon. These artists include The Japanese House – I started loving their music around the time I really got into The 1975, I already loved their music, but got into more due to my friend I met on the Indie and Alternative show.

Another artist is Alfie Jukes, who I found online due to my love for up-and-coming artists and indie music – I was lucky enough to interview him briefly, as well as photograph his gig and write an article for him about the intimate gig. None of this would have been possible without Tramlines unlocking how much I care about music, especially the grassroots and indie music scenes. Many people think of Tramlines as just an indie music festival, but it also provides a platform for artists of other genres too. The Everly Pregnant Brothers – Sheffield icons – were at Tramlines 2021 and I first saw them on BBC music day 2016. They were told not to swear and didn’t want to leave the Sheffield Peace Gardens, so even when they were taken off air, they continued playing the gig, and the crowd had the best day.

Artists from different genres were what made that year of Tramlines so incredibly unique: artists like Sophie Ellis Bextor, Royal Blood, Pale Waves, Tom Walker, Little Simz – who I played on my own radio show on LSR – brought something new and fresh to the table. They created a new and different atmosphere and brought in a unique crowd, but it worked so well intertwined with the indie artists. This showed me how diverse my music taste is – I’ve always enjoyed music from a wide range of genres, eras and artists, but this reaffirmed my beliefs in that I do like a bit of everything and I would not change that for the world.

One of my friends from school, Bethany Pashley, actually played at Peddler Market in Kelham Island last year as part of the Pattern and Push initiative by Tramlines. This year she is playing on the line-up in Hillsborough Park. This initiative provides a great platform for up-and-coming artists and spoken word poets, and is proven to help artists achieve their dreams. I will be cheering Bethany on this year and many years to come!”

To hear more about my own memories of Tramlines and my connection to the music, listen back to BBC 6 Music Goes Back on BBC Sounds: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00214kl

The Gryphon will be covering the Tramlines weekend, with interviews, articles and updates, so stay tuned!

The Japanese House LIVE: I Saw [Them] in a Dream

Written and Edited by Eve Moat

Albert Hall, Manchester. 10.05.24. A warm spring evening. A crowd. A band. 2 supports. And now you. It was like I Saw [Them] in a Dream.

Amber Bain’s musical alias The Japanese House played to a sell-out show at the majestic Albert Hall: one of my favourite venues and beautiful to see in the daylight. Usually as I head to the Albert Hall under the cover of dark, the venue usually looks very different, but this time, due to the clock’s just being turned back, sunlight streamed through the colourful floor-to-ceiling windows that still remain from the days when the building was a church. The stained glass windows really create a unique space and every one of the performers that evening commented on being able to see the audience due to the natural light – and how much they loved being able to see everyone’s faces (despite it being somewhat more daunting and scary).

Starting the evening was sibling duo Esme Emerson. Made up of (yep, you guessed it) sister, Esme, and brother, Emerson, they started the night off on a certain vibe: acoustic, mellow and beautifully artistic. Playing originals and covers, with one song sounding awfully like Miss Phoebe Bridgers to the entire crowd’s delight, they set a high bar for fellow up-and-comer Bonnie Kemplay.

A friend of another artist I have interviewed called May Payne, Bonnie Kemplay played into the hearts of the onlooker, tuning her guitar between songs and thanking the audience after every track. A musician with a cutesy style with an edge, you couldn’t not fall in love with her persona and her vocals. Also a female electric guitarist? What’s not to love!

We can’t go without mentioning the audience. Friends and strangers alike getting along like they have everything in common. Colours, style and personalities flooded the general admission where I was lucky to be. The creativity of the musicians reflected, portrayed and adapted by the crowd was incredible to see and I felt comfortable and free. Bonnie Kemplay summed up the audience perfectly (because no one is ever this nice for no reason right?): “my mum came to the London show last night […] ‘your crowd has a certain vibe’ […] ‘yeah mum, they’re all gay'”.

As if by that, it was time for the headliner: The Japanese House. Indie-pop, 80s vibe denim and fluctuating tempos mixed with warm vocals, it could only be them. Starting the set with ‘Touching Yourself’ probably says more than you need to know about their musical discography – and by that I mean it talks about often raw topics and difficult emotions such as in this case dealing with distance and lack of physical touch.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Track 3 brought one of my favourite slightly more up-beat tracks, ‘Something has to Change’, and after seeing this performed live at Finsbury Park last year, I thought it couldn’t get any better than that. Oh but it did. Comparing the two shows is really like comparing apples and oranges, with a festival set-up for one and a more intermate setting for the other, but one thing they both have in common is how much they made my heart melt and fall in love all over again with indie music, the gig community and of course, The Japanese House.

Every song was incredible, with the next seamlessly linking from the last. The halfway point of the core setlist saw ‘You Seemed So Happy’, which may be one of my favourite drum-vocal combinations, with the rise and fall of Bain’s vocals getting the whole crowd to join in and the beats making each person dance. This continued due to the electronic influences and reverb on tracks including ‘Friends’ (which is so catchy you can’t not move to it) and ‘Chewing Cotton Wool’ (an emotionally-charged song but which works so well with this genre influence).

‘Saw you in a Dream’ of course was a certified banger – nothing much else needs to be said, it is incredible. With the core setlist ending strong with ‘Dionne’ and ‘Boyhood’ – with the latter making everyone happy-cry and in love, with Bain asking “do we have any queers out there?” and the venue consequently erupting with screams in agreement. “I could’ve been somebody else” hitting everyone right in the centre of their chests, showing how this music isn’t just musically wonderful, but that it means something.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

An exquisitely constructed encore followed, with the crowd being warmed up whilst standing ‘Still’ for a new unreleased track. “This is probably my favourite song that I’ve ever written” – Bain (2024). The track is very happy go lucky in its melodies – which is apt for a song titled ‘Smiley Face’ and once again, the crowd were bopping along despite not knowing the words. I can’t wait for this track to be officially released and I feel so privileged to have been at one of the first ever shows where it was played live.

The track that is my ‘Sunshine Baby’ drew the show to a close and I couldn’t have been happier. An immense evening where I loved every second of it. I am a strong believer in live music being the best way to listen to an artist as its the way they were intended to be heard originally, and as amazing as The Japanese House are in the studio, nothing can beat a live set.

I look forward to the next time I can see The Japanese Live and bring on the ‘Smiley Face’ release. It really did feel like I saw [them] in a dream.

Alfie Jukes Coming Out of The Shade at Hyde Park Book Club

Written and Edited by Eve Moat

‘Sitting Pretty’ in the basement of HPBC on 20th April was Alfie Jukes, a Brighton-born 21 year-old singer-songwriter, who I would be unsure how you couldn’t love him. With mellow vocals but impactful lyrics, it’s hard to not get lost in the emotions within each track and consider your own feelings and personal experiences in relation to his words.

On tour for his recently released EP Sitting Pretty, his tour date in Leeds was one of eight shows promoting his newest project in the UK and Ireland. Fittingly, his opening track for the night was the song of the same name, and set the relaxed tone for the evening. Despite this tone, many of the tracks also got the audience dancing, swaying and of course singing along.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Moving forwards through his set, after introductions and encouragement from the singer, he played the track ‘Traffic Jams’ – arguably my favourite from his entire discography. The melody is catchy and meshes beautifully with his vocals. I feel like many fans can resonate with the lyrics in this song: “I like that you like that I like you” being an overcomplicated way of saying “I like you”, showing how its so easy to overthink things and you have to break down the barriers in your brain to be able to open up to someone, whether it’s about attraction, difficult feelings or simply everyday thoughts.

‘Not Quite Gone’ came shortly after with its heavy basslines and choral-sounding adlibs and backing vocals. This was directly followed by another fan favourite ‘Slow Lane’, originally recorded with Lexie Carroll. This track sits on the Little Omens EP, which has many amazing tracks belonging to it.

Another favourite of mine ‘Amsterdam’ got me wanting to visit the Netherlands as an act of escapism, despite the consequences that the individual in question has to face after the decisions they made and their actions they committed to. I believe many young adults can connect to this track, with the feeling of being able to run away to a faraway place and do stupid things becoming ever stronger. However, it also reminds the audience that no matter where you go, no matter how far you run, it won’t actually solve your problems back home: “Amsterdam won’t fix that”. 

Image Credit: Eve Moat

From here on out, the line-up of tracks was stacked, with every song being a personal favourite for me and the rest of the crowd slowly became more and more enthusiastic as this latter part of the set went on. It may not have been the morning, but if anyone wasn’t paying attention until this point – although I don’t know how you could’ve managed this – the next track would’ve certainly “woke up [their] system like fresh orange juice”. ‘Orange Juice’ is my favourite title for a track, and it certainly lives up to expectation. Accompanying vocals on the studio version of the track by Nell Mescal bring the whole piece together, like a missing piece fitting into a jigsaw puzzle. 

Coming towards the encore, Jukes played a newer track called ‘The Shade’, which he confirmed is about a friend that he helped out of some dark times. A melodic track with heart-wrenching lyrics: a beautiful piece. ‘Cigarette’ ended the core show, and left me wanting to ask Alfie a serious question: have you ever smoked a cigarette? 

Chants ran through the basement venue for more as a two song encore began to play. ‘Spiderwebs’ left my friend swaying to her heart’s content, and the final track ‘Eyes Wide’, which was the first Alfie Jukes song I ever heard, got everyone singing along. Basslines and vibey vocals radiated through the crowd and made for a wonderful ending to a fun night. 

Speaking to Alfie after the show, I could tell how genuine he is and he always has the time for his fans – even if they are a photographer and music journalist. After a very sweet photo together with Alfie, me and my friend danced the night away, meeting our friends for some rocking karaoke – inspired to continue the music into the early hours.

Alfie Jukes is a must see live, and his music deserves so much attention. I would 100% recommend him to anyone.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

The Style Councillors Rock Brudenell

Written and Edited by Eve Moat

When The Style Council started out in 1982, I wonder if they ever thought their music would still be played? Not only on the radio, in people’s homes and through sound systems, but by tribute bands, who keep their music and culture alive. One of these such bands is The Style Councillors, the only Style Council tribute band in the UK, who in my personal opinion, brought the house down at Brude on that rainy Friday night.

Part of their ‘A Solid Bond in Your Heart’ 40th Anniversary Tour, The Style Councillors played tracks from across The Style Council’s discography. From Café Bleu to Our Favourite Shop, the breadth of songs made for a truly vibrant evening. Keeping the crowd entertained for the entire evening was clearly their forte, and they did it with such ease and of course style.

The entire band played brilliantly, and with many members, keeping in sync with each other showed pure talent. The mix of instrumental with vocals and the words of Paul Weller and his 80s band made for an exciting time, and the evening passed so quickly that we were surprised when it was coming to a close, and of course we were never bored.

One of my favourite parts of the band’s ensemble was the brass section. Every song which included their instrumental pieces elevated the music to a new level, and personally, I would say one of my only “improvements” for this tribute band would be to add more brass sections. They absolutely rocked!

Vocals from Darren as Paul Weller and Dani as D C Lee were impeccable and got the crowd dancing all night long. Speaking of the crowd, they were very friendly and there was always someone happy to talk to the next person. The crowd were a range of ages, walks of life and from all over the country. Many of the fans were from in and around London, similar to the band themselves who had come from Essex. No one wanted the band’s set to finish and the band bringing the gig to a close with the classic ‘Walls Come Tumbling Down’ was a perfect way to end the gig.

I spoke to Dani after the gig, and she said that they have all different ages attend their gigs, which surprised me due to the era of music, and she was very appreciative of the publicity and younger audience’s attendance. Not to state the obvious but I myself love music from all different eras, but often many people prefer music of their age and the music they have grown up with, heard in clubs, and resonate with in a social group. So to hear that the music of The Style Council is not only alive within this band, but also the local youth, as well as the audience who heard the music of The Style Council back in the 1980s, is a very promising sign.

I would strongly recommend going to see The Style Councillors on one of their next headline tour dates, but be quick because tickets do sell out!

Recommended tour date: The Leadmill, Sheffield – February 2025

Independent Venues Week: English Teacher are Writing R&B for You

Written and Edited by Eve Moat

Monday 29th January brought the up-and-coming band English Teacher to the intimate venue The Trades Club in Hebden Bridge, just up the road from where the lead singer, Lily Fontaine, grew up in Colne. The band coming out of Leeds proved the talent that the city is producing, and how wonderful it is to hear local music in local independent venues.

Entering the venue from the rainy outdoors of a dark, windy Hebden Bridge, the warmth hit into me, and I immediately felt at home. A typical working men’s club, with proper pub-vibes, and the frontage of a back-door music club. It was like all the little pubs I’d ventured into in the north as a kid, and the intimate music venues I’d experienced the comfort of as I’ve grown older. Later in the night, Fontaine remarked that 2023 had been the year that most independent venues had closed in recent history, and thanked everyone for coming down to support The Trades Club and help small venues continue to live on and support promising new talents, especially local musicians.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

To start, the support band Nightbus took to the stage just after I arrived: a three-piece band with an unusual sound, defined into a genre only by their heavy guitars and crunching rhythms. Playing tracks with different vocal arrangements and a set that made me feel all different emotions, the new band from just over in Manchester gave servings of their debut indie track and left me sipping my lime and soda at the bar in a content state.

After a short interlude (and a bit of shuffling forward through the crowd from myself), the avidly awaited English Teacher graced the stage. The band consists of Lily Fontaine (as aforementioned) as lead vocals; Lewis Whiting on guitar; Douglas Frost on drums; and Nicholas Eden on bass. Opening with one of their newer tracks ‘Nearly Daffodils’ got the crowd going and the tempo soared throughout the venue. It embodied a great mix of soothing vocals with gritty sounds and heavy instrumental: a well-planned way to start off their set. With each song came new lighting, creating a beautiful haze around Fontaine and a lovely ambience around the warm room. The colourful lights mirrored the feeling of each track and embodied the collective feeling of the crowd in relation to the music.

Image Credit: Eve Moat

Some of my favourite English Teacher tracks ‘A55’ and ‘Mastermind Specialism’ came back to back in the setlist and complimented each other perfectly. The soft melodies falling off the strings of the guitar in both songs accompanied by calming, deep vocals left the whole room swaying and staring on in awe. Fontaine even remarked that ‘A55’ is about drinking too much, and that ‘Mastermind Specialism’ is about making bad decisions (usually caused by drinking too much), which got the crowd laughing along. She also asked, “can you tell I’m trying to fill time?”, reminding the crowd of their new band status. However, the crowd didn’t care that they were inexperienced as we continued to cheer them on and lapped up every bit of their performance. The subsequent track was ‘You Blister My Paint’, which isn’t a regular in my music listening but was beautiful, with heart-wrenching lyrics and almost semi-operatic vocals and left the crowd applauding and cheering.

One of my favourite new tracks of theirs is ‘The World’s Biggest Paving Slab’ because of its groovy nature, catchy bassline, and guitar harmonies. When this was announced, I started bopping along, and it was many times more amazing hearing it live than through the speaker in my phone (despite how much I loved it the first time I heard it). Another older track from their discography was the penultimate song of the set, with ‘R&B’ getting the crowd to go a little crazy, as does the song as it continues. ‘R&B’ talks about how English Teacher “despite appearances, [I] haven’t got the voice for R&B” but “[I’ve] been writing R&B”, showing the irony in these statements, along with the fact that people may think they look like an R&B band, but they’re solely indie, rock and drops of folk, suggesting you shouldn’t judge a book by it cover.

Finishing with their latest release ‘Albert Road’, written as an ode to Colne, was a perfect end to a brilliant event for an incredible event. I could’ve listened to English Teacher all night long, and I would recommend you take a walk with them down Albert Road too.