ALBUM REVIEW: Slowdive – everything is alive 

Written by Isabel Kilevold
Edited by Eve Moat

Slowdive’s fifth album proves once again why the band is considered one of the most prominent contributions to the shoegaze genre even over three decades after their first release. With everything is alive (2023), Slowdive manifest their ability to experiment and adapt, while sustaining their nostalgic expression.    

Six years have passed since the band returned with their self-titled album Slowdive (2017) after their two decade-long break. However, their most recent record does not show signs of age – everything is alive (2023) combines dreamy keyboard, washed out guitar and indistinguishable vocals, creating an essence of youth. 

The opening track, ‘shanty’, invites the listener into the dreamlike state that defines the album. The song is driven by a synth creating gentle melodies accompanied by dynamic guitar riffs. The vocals are washed out, yet the lyrics of the repeated verse beam through the transcendent instrumentals. “I was a junkman / A candle burning / Settled over / When the night rolled in,” sung by Neil Halstead and Rachel Goswell, who initially formed the band in 1989, and serenade the listeners with their whisper. Following ‘shanty’ is the instrumental track ‘prayer remembered’. A four-minute-long song without a hook feels rare in the world of radio hits, though the instrumentals beautifully carry themselves and the absence of lyrics creates a moment of peace rather than yearning. 

‘alife’ is one of the more upbeat songs of the album, though behind the atmospheric keyboard and guitar played in arpeggio, Goswell’s voice haunts us as it carries the lyrics “Two lives are hard lives with you”. In contrast to the pop feeling of ‘alife’, ‘andalucia plays’ is stripped down. For the first time on the album, the vocals are the most prominent element of the track. Halstead’s voice is clear and the instrumental does the job of creating the hazy atmosphere that characterises Slowdive’s sound.

The lead single of the album, ‘kisses’, is the closest you will get to a radio hit on the record. The upbeat melody and distinctive hook makes the song a contribution to the shoegaze discography that is palpable for the masses. 

The second single of the album, ‘skin in the game’, immediately follows and is similar to ‘kisses’ a song that ticks all the boxes for a dream pop classic. ‘chained to a cloud’ is one of the most interesting songs on the album. The keyboard loop and echoing vocals creates a dreamy ambiance while proving that Slowdive is not afraid of experimenting with their sound. ‘the slab’ is granted the honor of concluding the album, and does so with dignity. The quicker paced, instrumental driven track is one of the highlights of the album with its indistinguishable vocals and hazy, almost heavy, feeling.   

The mainstream pop listener might remain searching for a hook after the first listen, and there is no distinguished hit on the eight track album. However, for the shoegaze enthusiasts the record is a gift that keeps giving, revealing new layers with every listen. With everything is alive(2023) Slowdive has kept the magic of 90s dream pop alive in a wrapping that keeps the modern consumer engaged. Although Slowdive might not broaden their audience with everything is alive (2023), the album is a love letter to the genre lovers. 

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One Reply to “ALBUM REVIEW: Slowdive – everything is alive ”

  1. I think I’ve just discovered what good music feels like, all thanks to you. 🙂


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