More Study Hours, More Energy Use? The Cost of Keeping Edward Boyle Open 24/7

The University of Leeds’ Edward Boyle Library has now extended its opening hours to operate 24/7.
The Laidlaw Library, which previously offered round-the-clock access, is now open from 8am–midnight during the week and 10am–midnight at the weekend.
As the largest of the four libraries on campus, Edward Boyle Library offers more than 2,000 individual and group study spaces across six floors. Due to its size, maintaining adequate heating and lighting requires a substantial amount of energy.
With the university’s strong commitment to environmental sustainability, including a pledged £174 million investment in climate action over the coming years, questions have been raised about the efficiency of the library’s energy consumption under its new schedule.
The Gryphon has reached out to the university for a statement, a spokesperson said:
“Energy usage was carefully considered as part of the decision to move the Edward Boyle Library to 24-hour opening.
Energy efficiency measures in place include LED lighting, some of which is dimmable. We also have passive infrared sensors (PIR), which ensure that lights are not left on when a space is unoccupied.
Temperature sensors continuously monitor internal conditions to ensure spaces are not overheated.”
For many students however, 24-hour library access is a necessity.
“I know so many students who stay up until 3, sometimes 4 in the morning to finish their work, it’s just the way things are now. People’s study habits are changing, so I’m glad we have another library available at these hours,” one University of Leeds student shared.
The Leeds University Union is encouraging those studying late at night to take advantage of the Night Bus service to get home safely. They emphasise that student safety should be a top priority when deciding to stay on campus into the early hours of the morning.
Words by Lana Conway