New Year, New You, New Trends
Sofia unpacks the essence of 2025, exploring how last year’s echoes shape this year’s trends.

Things change as 2024 comes to a close and a new year is ushered in. The year on your calendar, our resolutions, and most importantly, fashion trends. Over the years, there has been a massive change in trends year on year to reflect the preferences of fashion consumers around the globe. What will this year bring, you may ask? Well, this article will predict three possible 2025 trends to get you ahead of the curve and walking into 2025 looking fabulous.
Jewels Galore
Last year, we saw the emergence of the desire to emanate a look of elegance that added the finishing touch to an outfit. This was a huge trend within the accessories sector, specifically for jewellery. This look was beautiful, classy, and timeless, which led to it becoming the leading jewellery craze of 2024. However, this year prompts a complete ‘180’ on delicate jewellery. Instead, we see large gems and chains being promoted by Swarovski. The brand seems to be have started selling their big pieces towards the end of 2024—ready for 2025.

Big, Bold, and Beautiful
Jewellery in 2024 was all about small, understated accessories that complimented outfits without overpowering them. Essentially, adding ‘the cherry on top’. However, with 2025 approaching, there seems to be a push towards making a statement and individualising outfits. A newfound desire for uniqueness takes the fashion world by storm. It doesn’t show signs of slowing down. Rather than deciding on your accessories based on as outfit, there will be a shift towards picking your outfit based on the jewels. So, don’t be afraid to think outside of the box!

The 90’s are Calling
The idea of ‘vintage’ clothing has become a fashion phenomenon over the past few years, and 2025 will be no stranger to this. 2024 marked a year for fashion pieces with fitted shapes. It accentuated feminine features with iconic fits such as skinny jeans, making an unexpected comeback during the Fall/Winter season. However, the coming year is calling for a 2025 revamp of the iconic ‘90s- ‘00s streetwear style. Baggy fits and loose silhouettes will be all the rage for the coming year.