A Classic Freshers To Do List from Views to You!

It’s here- freshers week! The kickstart for many students journeys into university life, marking the start of a new academic year. Whether you’ll be a returning student to Leeds or are tackling university life from the very beginning, fresher’s week is a time to explore the opportunities available within the university and throughout Leeds in general. The ‘To Do’s’ of Leeds can spiral into a long list quickly and span well beyond the duration of fresher’s week. So instead, I will briefly focus on some personal highlights/valuable things to know from when I was in my first year of study.

One of the most useful and practical things to be aware of at Leeds is the online resources, especially the online library resources! Guidance on referencing academic resources and where to find appropriate sources is invaluable to university study. This guidance can be found online, through the university’s library website. Having a quick nose around this website will put new students in good stead for upcoming study and is a quick and simple task. Putting yourself ahead on this makes the transition to university study more manageable and I have no doubt lectures and tutors will point you towards this resource in the near future!

The university has many useful online resources that go beyond just the library. From solving internet issues on the Leeds IT services to exploring the over 300 clubs and societies the union offers on the LUU page, the inevitable questions new students have will likely be answered through these. So, take advantage of them! It seems common sense, but a quick search will either answer or guide you to the answer, with relevant contacts etc.

On a more fun note, in terms of things to do, Leeds itself is packed on all fronts. Whether it be music, events, or food there is something for everyone. Here are a few of my personal favourites that I find myself constantly recommending and looking back on.


A standout night from my time at Leeds was going to Sofar Sounds. an intimate gig that connects smaller artists to audiences. The premise runs on surprise, with the artist you’ll be watching to the venue being released 24 hours before the event. It showcases talent within the city in a truly unique way, featuring students from the nearby music school, the Conservatoire. Events such as these are great for any music lover and only scratch the surface of Leeds’s thriving music scene. Other venues worth looking out for include Hyde Park Book Club and Brudenell Social Club, with both venues regularly hosting artists and
bands of all genres.


A memorable night I suggest anyone to look into, would be Headrow House’s midweek comedy nights. The venue’s rooftop bar is a seller alone but at £5 tickets, this remains one of the cheapest things to do in the city centre on a Monday night. Keeping to the theme of cheaper things to do, the Hyde Park Picture House is also another must-visit. A short walk from the university, the cinema plays new showings in the amazing restored 1914 picture house, with tickets as low as £6.


Leeds offers a diverse range of food at a walkable distance from the university. A few personal favourites include Zaap Thai or Rudy’s Pizza up in Headingly. Pairing this with a quiz or karaoke night in the nearby pubs, will undeniably lead to a successful night out. The town centre also offers great food options with Kirkgate Market. Being one of Europe’s largest indoor markets, ensures there’s an option for everyone and is worth checking out!

As great as the food is out and about Leeds, a hidden gem has to be on campus itself with the chicken burger at the refectory. Make it a meal and abuse the unlimited (I think) refills to help battle through those longer days in the library.

That concludes a (very) brief to-do list of your first year at Leeds. Ultimately, however, you do decide to spend your freshers enjoy it! Freshers’ week is a time of change with new locations and timetables, and naturally, this can be overwhelming to new students. Yet throwing yourself at university life and seeing what’s on offer highlights just how great Leeds is!

Words by Matthew Weait

Cover image credit: Zaap Thai Leeds

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