Launch Your Time at Leeds – Rocketry; Not Just for Engineers

Leeds University Rocketry Association is a team of extraordinary young Engineers, Scientists, and other interdisciplinary students making rocket science look easy. Founded in 2021 by just eight students, the team were indomitable in persevering through uncertainty surrounding funding and workspace, ultimately designing, manufacturing, and testing a simple but robust rocket, the Gryphon I. Their growing team went on to enjoy international success at the Spaceport America Cup where Leeds’ first rocket achieved an apogee (height) of 10,000ft (3km) placing the team 2nd for Innovative Design and gaining a perfect score for their Technical Report. Having demonstrated their affinity for success, the team got back to work in Leeds designing not only two rockets, Gryphon II and Pathfinder, but also launching Project Silverback, a dedicated research and development branch currently engineering Leeds’ first-ever liquid-propellant rocket engine – designed from scratch.
How Can I Get Involved with LURA?
In LURA’s short history, 55 students from diverse disciplines and backgrounds, from engineering to physics, media, marketing, and business, have helped to write Leeds history. During this time, the recruitment process has evolved as much as LURA has. Today, LURA proudly hosts the LURA Academy, a series of week-long projects and training in which candidates learn from experienced team members about applying their skills to rocket science and business operations. The Academy aims to simulate life and work as a LURA team member; from rocket science to media and finances, candidates are fully immersed in LURA’s professional rocketry team. One successful candidate described the experience as “life-changing” and illustrated their amazement at their achievements saying “[her participation] opened [her] eyes to new and endless possibilities”.
Alternatively, Project Aptos, which focuses on the development of an active stabilisation system and involves the development of Pathfinder, is being hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences as a Masters Project. The innovation will allow the team’s rockets to maintain a perfectly vertical trajectory during ascent, ultimately unlocking greater apogees.
LURA needs passionate, self-motivated, and gregarious individuals in engineering, physics, business, finance and related fields to keep pushing the boundaries of possibility for Leeds University students. If you feel inspired to join a dedicated, adventurous, and ambitious team, keep an eye on their website below.
Can’t Wait?
You can visit the retired Gryphon I rocket, which was recovered unscathed, in the School of Mechanical Engineering foyer. Here, Leeds’ first-ever rocket hangs proudly at centre stage greeting students old and new, reminding us that the sky is not the limit and that achieving the incredible is within reach. Visit to find out more.