Crystal Clarity or Cosmic Coincidence: Are Angel Numbers and Crystals a Bunch of Nonsense?

It’s the golden age of modern-day witchcraft, especially with the rise of technology and social media; primarily TikTok and Instagram. But is it something to believe or just a bunch of bs?
Here comes a slightly biased opinion when it comes to the “modern witch”. Picture this: you walk into my living area and immediately notice a delicate placement of crystals, a centerpiece purposefully placed on the coffee table, decorated with raw amethyst crystals, rose quartz, and a huge stick of selenite; along with my current chosen candle (“bonfire night” by The York Candle Company — you can find them at Indie Makers in the Corn Exchange!) and “peace and serenity” incense. Hiding in the cupboard, you’ll also find self-care oracle cards that I feel I should be using more often.
I find it’s impossible to have a discussion on the topic of angel numbers without giving a shout out to the tools and techniques of the craft. It truly comes down to the external reasons why people put their faith into, what some may class, a ridiculous belief.
I won’t get into an argument about belief either. I fully maintain the idea that people have something in their lives that offer them hope, love, and an opinion of divinity, whatever that may be for them. In my case, I put my faith in the Universe itself. You’ll catch me casually chatting out loud, asking for a divine sign — which leads me to my next thought — angel numbers.
But what are angel numbers?
Simply put, angel numbers are a repeated pattern of numbers, usually three or four numbers like 222, or 1212. For a long time, numbers have been thought of as a way to understand the universe in many different spiritual and religious beliefs, even Pythagoras believed that numbers had ‘vibrational values’.
They can appear in many different ways and in random places that you wouldn’t normally think of, like receipt numbers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been working, and the total of somebody’s purchase is £11.11, or my own purchase is the same.
When it comes to angel numbers I am torn between belief and bs. I’m not entirely sure as to the reason behind it, but sometimes I refuse to believe that all these patterns of numbers can mean all these things. Not every single pattern of numbers makes up angel numbers, but a pattern of numbers that feel significant. It doesn’t have to be from a clock; it can be the time, an order number, a receipt, even a number plate.
I will let you know on a number that I see more-often-than-not: 1111. But what does it mean?
Here’s where it can get a bit tricky. There can be various interpretations, leading some to dismiss it as nonsense. However, its significance depends on your circumstances. When you see the number 1111, it signifies that the Universe is supporting and guiding you, assuring you that everything is unfolding as it should.
This raises doubts about the validity of angel numbers since fate is believed not to exist. Yet, it’s not about fate or destiny; your future remains fluid, subject to change, and can take various paths. At present, your aspirations are in motion; you just need to overcome a few obstacles.
Now, let me share a little anecdote: the Universe has a sense of humour. Once, I asked for a peculiar sign—a peacock, something rare to stumble upon casually. Lo and behold, while watching Modern Family for the first time, in the episode “Ringmaster Keifth” (Season 8, Episode 10), there it was—a peacock in the back of a car! It’s hard to believe that was mere coincidence.
That incident sparked my interest in repeating numbers and coincidences. Suddenly, I started noticing them everywhere: in time, page numbers, posters, even product numbers. They say people won’t notice these things unless they’ve become “enlightened” in a sense—unless they’ve embarked on a spiritual journey. But once you do, it becomes nearly impossible not to notice.

A lot of the belief in things like angel numbers and crystals can start by having people in your family who are into it; specifically, the older generation. In my case, my grandmother is someone who practises modern witchcraft every day; we’re talking spells, potions, the works.
On the contrary, my journey into this realm started with an appreciation for the aesthetics of crystals. I was going through a rough patch, especially during lockdown, when I delved deeper into it. This exploration significantly improved my mental well-being. It made me realise there’s something larger than myself, while also emphasising my own importance.
As I connected more with nature and the world around me, I felt understood in return. There’s much more to this topic than I’ve touched upon briefly. Though I wish I had more time and words to elaborate, there’s a wealth of information available. If online magazine articles seem dubious, there’s also ample academic research to delve into. Yes, it’s a biased opinion, but isn’t it an intriguing one?