Our Top 5 Tips for Getting Back on the Study Grind 


Robyn Lawrence details their process for getting back to the ‘grind mindset’ after a study break.

studying at university

Image Credit: VistaCreate

Going through phases of not studying is to be expected. Nonetheless, one may find it challenging to regain momentum after a break or a brief pause. Here are five tips to get you back into the uni rhythm:  

  1. Plan, plan, plan

Getting organised is key to successful studying. It helps you keep track of all the tasks you must complete for that day or week. Every Sunday, set aside some time to plan everything you have to do. Writing it down makes you accountable and there’s nothing better than ticking off a task on your to-do list. One down, only so many to go! Visually seeing your plan get smaller and smaller only motivates you to keep going till nothing is left. 

  1. A bit at a time

Spread your tasks out across the week. Think about what’s most important and prioritise what needs doing, without forgetting any minor tasks. It’s important not to get too enthusiastic and plan too much to do in one day. Cramming a lot into one day will only make studying feel harder and you feel more stressed. Be realistic about what you can do in one day and spread your tasks across the week. 

  1. Peace and quiet

Find a study space where you won’t be interrupted and encourages concentration. Everyone has different study habits that help them focus on their work. Discovering what works for you is pivotal in staying motivated; whether alone, with friends, listening to brown noise, or with your favourite snacks on hand. But always make sure to turn your phone to Do Not Disturb. Checking TikTok can wait!  

  1. Reward yourself

If you’ve managed to complete all your tasks for the week, treat yourself! It’ll motivate you and give you something to look forward to. This doesn’t have to be anything expensive, but sometimes treating yourself to something as simple as a nice drink or a trip to your favourite café. Whatever gives you joy, make sure to incorporate it into your workload.  

  1. Take advantage of your teachers

There’s no shame in admitting you are struggling. Book an appointment with your module tutor to discuss your difficulties. If there are study or support sessions in place for upcoming assignments, make sure to go to them. After all, they’re here to help!  

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