The ‘Leedsification’ of a Uni Girl
A guide to determine whether or not your wardrobe has been ‘Leedsified’ by the trends on campus.

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The date was September 22nd, 2022. Somewhere in Clarence Dock, an incredibly anxious and highly impressionable ‘silly fresher’ is unpacking a wardrobe full of clothing. One year later, that same girl found herself re-packing and donating the same clothes to the British Heart Foundation. That girl is me; but judging from the amount of Vinted parcels that the three girls in my house have already acquired this year, I’d predict this was a universal experience. This is something I now refer to as a ‘Leedsification’; a wardrobe personality change brought about by an extremely influential first year at UoL (and Pinterest). If somebody told the pre-uni version of myself that my dad’s old-t-shirts would be the difference between feeling ‘on-trend’ or having nothing to wear – I would honestly be mortified. He definitely wasn’t wearing PrettyLittleThing back in the day. However, fashion has proven itself exceedingly cyclical in recent years, and where ‘vintage’ was once associated solely with cream curtains, it is now a desired effect; one that haunts both the Leeds University campus and my Vinted balance. So, if you’re a fresher falling victim to such ‘Leedsification’ or a second year like me (already too far gone), here are the top five trends you are going to want to try this term:

‘Paint the campus red’
‘Cherry-red’ is FashionTok’s current obsession. This trend already saw its way onto campus fashion at the end of last year, when a number of red cowboy boots and leather jackets began to debut. Now, with the start of the new academic year, we see a rise in subtle red accents. Red nail polish and handbags are particularly taking A/W trends by storm. Pairing the colour red with casual campus wear is a definite oxymoron, and one that quietly screams confidence. It’s more than likely that we will be seeing a lot of red across campus these following months. Maybe this is the end of our diet coke obsession as we move into a sweeter era, Cherry cola anyone?
If the brightly coloured shoe fits…

An obvious yet influential trend in Leeds is the comeback of the Old School Adidas. Gazelles, Superstars, and Sambas have all been making their way slowly through the student shoe collections since last year. This trend inspires ideas of ‘Britishness’; trainspotting, Liam Gallagher, and Oasis all its core. It is a brighter era of footwear, seeing a slight move away from the ‘duller’ colours of black and navy into pinks, yellows, and greens. As typically associated with S/S trends, it’s a perfect way to keep summer alive as long as possible, and a nice change to the neutrals, browns and blacks that typically arrive in colder seasons. Nonetheless, an incredibly easy way to spruce up a basic ‘lectures all day’ outfit!

One Shoulder Season
Potentially not the most durable of trends for northern weather forecasts, but certainly, one of the most stylish! Off-the-shoulder jumpers are proving highly competitive against Uggs, linen trousers, and matching gym sets this season; proving that comfort can be cute. This look almost feels millennial, with 2010 Miley Cyrus at the forefront of this effortless and slightly grunge look, that is making a return in the form of a ‘messy girl aesthetic’. Quite the contrast to the ‘clean girl’ look that circulated round campus last year, but certainly a great excuse to wear last night’s makeup to that 9am!
Corsets are out, and their replacement is back in

Say your goodbyes to that Urban Outfitters corset you’ve worn to death and be grateful that buttons on the front are back in! Waistcoats have seen a huge re-emergence this term, and as versatility goes, it truly is a necessity.
Wear it on a Tuesday to the Royal Park Pub, with a capped sleeve cropped top underneath!
Wear it to a lecture, on a chilly Wednesday, paired over a long sleeve.
Wear it to Thursdays at Old Red, with a lace bra slightly peeking through – the opportunities are endless!
Not only are you saving wash days, but also space in your wardrobe (which according to Carrie Bradshaw, you can never really have enough of).

Paris Would Be Proud
Last, but certainly not least, from Paris Hilton’s wardrobe in 2007 it is now back in fashion; everything from lacy tops to fur coats. Even baguette bags and leopard print are seeing a return, it is a re-obsession with the iconic ‘noughties’. The Bratz dolls, Christina Aguilera, and Britney Spears all ran so we could walk, and as we hold onto the last few years of our youths – it is only right that we dress like our ancestors once did…
Note to self: The tackier the better.